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Using "Manage Hard Drive Space" for folders synced through Dropbox Backup

Using "Manage Hard Drive Space" for folders synced through Dropbox Backup

Helpful | Level 5

So there's a great feature in Dropbox desktop that allows you to see graphically what is taking up all of the space on your hard drive, and very quickly change certain/all dropbox content to online only to free up space.

However, it turns out that if you use Dropbox Backup, that manage feature is disabled.  I don't fully understand why, as using backup as I see it, makes my desktop and documents live in my Dropbox folder set, and can be used as such, with making my own files online to save space.

I appreciate that maybe the Manage Space function may not be able to work against my desktop/documents backup, but I would still expect to be able to manage my main Dropbox Team folder content to release any old offline files easily.


I did raise this previously on but it was closed due to inactivity.  Figured I would raise it again to keep it live and hope that people upvote it, so that the dev guys take a look at it.

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Dropbox Staff

Hi there @nez_pottage - thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on this.


I've passed your comments on to the team and you can let us know if you have anything else to add.



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