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Storage Space

Looking for help with managing the storage space in your Dropbox account? Talk to the Dropbox Community and get advice from members.

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Re: Technical problem adding space to my account

No additional space on Business Advanced

Helpful | Level 6

Dear community,

I'm here to advice that the support have been denying us additional space for two weeks, first telling us that there was a momentary problem, then that we had made a request before the 7 days, then again (after waiting 7 days) that there is a problem which however is not written by Nowhere.


We're really worried about that because they don't give us any timelines and the fact that the problem doesn't exist on the dropbox status page and that nobody else talks about it seems a bit suspicious.


I don't like writing these posts but we are really worried don't you think? Are any of you having similar problems? do they only have it with us?



615 Replies 615

Helpful | Level 6

The pricing page continues to say ‘as much space as you need’. But I thought I would give the benefit of the doubt and assume it is simply yet to be updated, until today.


I decided to see what is the sales side of the business saying about this - Are they warning potential new customers of this pitfall? 

I’ve had conversation with their sales team now, and they are still actively telling people you get as much as you need and not disclosing there is a restriction on that, and a significant restriction.


I confirmed if I ask for 30TB, or 100TB I will get it. ‘Yes, just talk to support, and they’ll take care of it :)’ is the paraphrased response.


I also asked if there’s a restriction on that, and gave the example of the unlimited ISP that slows your data after X gigabytes… nope, you ‘just ask support :)’ to get additional space as you need it.


Also another related thread continues to say you get more space automatically once you exceed 75%. I’ve been around 90% capacity for well over a month or more, so this is also not true (any more).


The reality is, I am already a customer, and I am absolutely not getting anything more than 1TB a month now, as you have all found and they are not buding on it. And that’s 1TB to share amongst ten users, so 100GB a month per user, when we have a need for 30TB in the next month, and 100TB by end of year - AND to date have been able to rely on and trust Dropbox to deliver ‘as much space as [we] need’.


The support team also are refusing to escalate or consider circumstances. Just continue to offer refunds.


Per my previous posts, this has never been an issue in the past and indeed worked as the sales team continues to advertise…


But this is a real problem - Dropbox is indeed happy to continue sell this ‘as much space as you need’ product to new customers, even though they absolutely cannot or will not fulfil its promise any longer (even if you have relied on this as part of your business model for years and have never abused the service).


Happy to take your money but then immediately not deliver the promised service - the service in our case, we are long term customers of. That’s terrible.


Is it necessarily a surprise? Well, in some ways yes (I always trusted them, which is obviously my mistake) and in other ways no (it’s likely not the first business happy to deceive its customers to get more money in the door). If I’m honest, I expected better of Dropbox and did not expect them to act in this manner. This is a really bad business practice in my opinion, and it’s now impacting my business and decisions we now have to make…


I have also asked their support team in multiple ways is this temporary? No one can give a straight answer… it sounded for some time like it was, but now… looking less and less so.


The Dropbox team really need to step up here, and be clear with customers, stop selling the product you absolutely will not fulfil (until you can again), get on top of this issue and honour your contract with existing customers to deliver ‘as much space as needed’. The needed is the key word here, they seem to be ignoring. We legitimately need this storage. We do not abuse the service and never have. Our requests for more have always been explained and are perfectly reasonable.

The 1(TB)-size-fits-all as a standard for ‘reasonable’ is ridiculous. Please Dropbox Team, just be open, and honest about what’s going on, what you’re doing about it and what the timeframe is to get there.


Please be a decent company, Dropbox. You always seemingly used to be. It’s challenges like these and how you handle them that define who you are as a company though. I’m willing to give plenty of leeway due to whatever is going on, but I need some idea on how and when we will be able to get ‘back to business’.

Collaborator | Level 10



We all also hope for the best.
Our advantage is, that we were able to migrate everything to Dropbox and now have a few TB free.
We can wait and see what Dropbox will make. But I can't recommend it at the moment.
Another problem with Dropbox, the API from Dropbox sometimes loses connection. And so have we Files Uploaded with 0 kb size.
Upload Speed pro File is between 12 up to 20 MB's. By Google have no API problems and Upload Speed from 120 up to 250 MB's.
Dropbox is also significantly slower from Speed. For us not Problem. Only the api errors are disturbing

Helpful | Level 5

change your rclone to the latest version

older than 1.6 wont stay connected to dropbox api as it doesnt store the secret key

Collaborator | Level 10



Thank for you Reply, we are already using last version. Is really annoying.

Helpful | Level 5

then it is a permission issue because once i started using 1.6+ the issue was resolved.

100% not an API issue  🙂

Collaborator | Level 10



That can be a good thing, 98% of the files work great, 2% 0 kb don't work.



I show of us Server, it's Version v1.63.0 😀

Helpful | Level 5

Same here and I am angry as hell. This is blocking my work!

I included Dropbox in my workflow under the promise of "as much space as needed" and this is not happening.

This is a great problem for my company and a very unserious position by Dropbox.

Helpful | Level 5

They blocked me at 27tb aprox.

Helpful | Level 5

Same here!

Helpful | Level 6

I cant believe this. ran into this mid-day yesterday and it shut down our company for the rest of the day. they allocated an additional 1 TB but we were 1.5TB over somehow with no alerts or messaging. after dealing with 3 different support people the only thing that could resolve it was to DELETE STUFF FROM OUR ACCOUNT.  this is absolutely ridiculous.  There is nothing posted publicly about this or the status page. Another  instance of Dropbox just being a black box with no communication and broken promises.

Need more support?