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Re: I made a typo on my email, now I can't verify or change the email address

I made a typo on my email, now I can't verify or change the email address

Explorer | Level 4
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Please I need some help. When signing up for Dropbox I made a mistake on my email address - omitted a full stop. I can't verify my email and it won't let me change it under settings. Thanks

1 Accepted Solution

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Dropbox Staff
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Hi @Irishsal; welcome to our Community!


This shouldn't be an issue as long as you remember your password. From your account's General tab, click on the verify email button and then choose the 'update email address' option from the prompt you get. Input your correct email address and password and you should receive an email to verify your email address to your (correct) email's inbox. 


Let me know if that doesn't work for you and we'll take it from there. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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14 Replies 14

Dropbox Staff
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Hi @Irishsal; welcome to our Community!


This shouldn't be an issue as long as you remember your password. From your account's General tab, click on the verify email button and then choose the 'update email address' option from the prompt you get. Input your correct email address and password and you should receive an email to verify your email address to your (correct) email's inbox. 


Let me know if that doesn't work for you and we'll take it from there. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4
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Hi Walter Thanks so much for your help.

Dropbox Staff
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Glad I could help @Irishsal!


See you around the Community :sunglasses:

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2
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I have an invalid email address on my dropbox account.  somehow a c has been added to the .com  ie: .comc

I cannot reset my email account as it is pending verification and when i send the email it doesn't arrive due to the c at the end!!!


Dropbox Staff
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Hi @SuziA, thanks for reaching out to us. 


I moved your post here, where another user had the same issue but was able to get this resolved with Walter's suggestion. 


Can you check it out and let us know if it does the trick for you too?


Keep us posted!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2
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When I set up my Dropbox account, I mistyped my email address.  Dropbox can't verify me to this non-existent email.  How do I fix this?

Dropbox Staff
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Hey @jhc25, thanks for checking in with us. 


I moved your post to this thread, where another user had a similar concern. 


Have a look at what is suggested, and let us know if you have any trouble along the way. 



Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Juan Karelse
New member | Level 2
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We had created a new dropbox account named. [personal information removed as per Community Guidelines] and that domain is not the correct one, Obv. Finger error. We need it to get changed to [personal information removed as per Community Guidelines]. The tricky part is that we have already upgraded the account with the incorrect email address to 2tb storage space.  Could you guys please assist as we are not able to verify that email address.

Legendary | Level 20
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Hi @Juan Karelse,

Just set the correct email in your settings using edit link, next to the currently set email.

Hope this helps.

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