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Re: Vault is missing after upgrading to Business

Vault is missing after upgrading to Business

New member | Level 2

I have recently upgraded to a business package and when I did this I have no more access to my vault or the contents thereof, I see some discussions suggest when trying to access vault the contents will be moved to a normal folder which has not happened. 

I need to recover the contents on the vault. 

3 Replies 3

Dropbox Staff

Hi @zaynealbutt, thanks for bringing this to our attention.


Is the vault not visible on the Dropbox site?


This will help me to assist further!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2

No it is not visible, 
When I tried accessing the Vault using the Dropbox App on iPhone it told me that Vault is not available due to my upgrade and I have not been able to find the Vault since. 

Dropbox Staff

Have you tried contacting the support team already regarding this matter?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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