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Login asks for Auth code, but 2FA has not been activared

Login asks for Auth code, but 2FA has not been activared

New member | Level 2

I recently upgraded my PC and on reinstalling Dropbox I cannot log in, my ID and Password are accepted ok but I am then asked for an Autherisation code,

"FA has never been used on this account, where do I get an AUth code?. Theonly Auth app I have is Google but this is not recognised.


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Super User II

@suthron397 wrote:

I cannot log in, my ID and Password are accepted ok but I am then asked for an Autherisation code, "FA has never been used on this account, where do I get an AUth code?

That's likely not a regular two-step verification code. It's a one-time security code that Dropbox requests when it believes the sign-in attempt could be suspicious (such as signing in to a computer it doesn't recognize). The code would be sent to the email address on your account.

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