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Unable to login as have no details

Unable to login as have no details

New member | Level 2
I am unable to login, going around in ever decreasing circles and getting very stressed. I can't login because the 6 fig login codes are being sent to an old number to which I no longer have access. It's so long since I had access to my account that I now no longer have the emergency code or any other connected devices or password. If there is no way I can access my account I am quite happy to cancel forever but with no ability to login I can't even do that. See what I mean by going round in circles?
Please help me if you can.
Thanks you Dr Brian Mitchinson. St
George's Hospital London.
1 Reply 1

Super User II

You need to contact support and ask they stop payments. Without the security codes or emergency number its impossible to recover an account.


Make sure you are not logged in (even to here) and go to and you can open a support ticket.


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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