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Missed the email to avoid permanent deletion of locked state account

Missed the email to avoid permanent deletion of locked state account

Explorer | Level 3

Morning community experts,
I’ve tried to use the chatbot but kept going in circles so hoping y’all could help me out.
I just realized that I missed the emails from Dropbox informing me that my account was in a locked state and going to be permanently deleted if I didn’t upgrade my account. I just had a baby a few weeks ago so checking emails hasn’t exactly been a priority. I’m hoping that I can somehow recover my files. Please tell me it is! Of course willing to upgrade my account and pay for the features necessary to restore my files. Thanks for your help folks!

4 Replies 4

Explorer | Level 3
I’d like to add that I can’t log into my account so I’m unable to create a support ticket for the locked account. Can I submit a ticket without my account.

Super User II

@KamillaV wrote:
I just realized that I missed the emails from Dropbox informing me that my account was in a locked state and going to be permanently deleted ... I’m hoping that I can somehow recover my files.

If the account has already been deleted, then no, it wouldn't be possible, but check with Support to be sure.


... I can’t log into my account so I’m unable to create a support ticket for the locked account. Can I submit a ticket without my account.

Visit the Support page while you're NOT signed in to a Dropbox account, including these forums, and you'll see an option for sign in issues. It's best to use an Incognito or Private browsing session to make sure you're not signed in.


Explorer | Level 3
Still having trouble with a ticket creation. I see in previous community posts there are admins and Dropbox staff responding to issues. Is there a way to tag an admin or support staff to this post so I can get some assistance?

Super User II

@KamillaV wrote:
Still having trouble with a ticket creation.

What trouble are you having?

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