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Re: Dropbox Watch Synology Folder

Dropbox Watch Synology Folder.

Explorer | Level 4

I'm sure this is fairly basic, but my brain isn't quite working today.


I'm setting a process that allows me to FTPS images from sporting events.  Those images will eventually end up in a dropbox folder.  I've currently got my Synology set-up as an FTPS server and images are flowing in as hoped.  Is there a simple way of having dropbox watch a specific folder on my NAS and automatically sync any images back into a specific dropbox folder?



1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Dropbox Staff

Hi flyingpoint — I've had luck with Cloud Sync (which is a package created by Synology.)

View solution in original post

4 Replies 4

Super User II

@flyingpoint wrote:

Is there a simple way of having dropbox watch a specific folder on my NAS ...

Dropbox has no such feature. It can only sync the files located in the local Dropbox folder. You'd need to find another solution to copy files from your NAS to the Dropbox folder on your computer.


If you're on Windows, take a look at Microsoft's SyncToy, otherwise search Google for a local file sync application.

Explorer | Level 4

Well, that's disappointing.  I originally hoped that I could FTPS/SFTP directly into Dropbox.  That's not possible, so I went down the road of setting up my Synology as an FTP server.  And now I'm discovering that Dropbox has no means of watching my Synology ftp folders in order to get those files to my client.  Bummer.

Dropbox Staff

Hi flyingpoint — I've had luck with Cloud Sync (which is a package created by Synology.)

Explorer | Level 4

Just got done setting it up.  You're right -- it seems to be exactly what I needed.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole operation to my Synology!  Thanks for the note.

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