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Please allow pairing of more than two accounts. As a contractor, I am a member of a company's business account, a team member of another company, and have my personal account. It is frustrating to on...
5 years agoCollaborator | Level 9
Dropbox only allows for links between one Personal and one Business, but two Business Accounts.
That is an issue because:
I am an admin of my work account, and I need it to work.
My personal Dropbox need more than 3TB, but I cannot get it without an business account.
My wife and I want to pay for the Business Account together, for our personal use, so we both can have unlimited storage.
However, that is not possible, because since I already have an business account from work, I cannot link another Business Account to my computer.
I need to make local files from both my work and personal accounts, so using one of them on the browser only is not an option.
Please vote here to help me get the developer's attention!
- Randijorden5 years agoExplorer | Level 3
For the independent/freelance/contractors, we work across multiple companies at any given time. I currently have 3 clients each using Dropbox, but I desperately need to switch between the accounts on my computer (the app and web versions are painful and not clean and simple as working through Finder on a Mac).
PLEASE allow multiple business accounts!
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