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Add repeat button for audio files in the mobile app

Add repeat button for audio files in the mobile app

Tim E.11
New member | Level 1

Please add a repeat button to the audio player in the iPhone and iPad dropbox apps, so an audio file in my dropbox wil repeat playing over and over agan endlesly, until I stop it.  Thank you.

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff

This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.

Status changed to: Closed
New member | Level 2

It would be an awesome feature to be able to choose a music archive and listen on repeat, and even choose multiple archives to listen on repeat.

Super User II

Dropbox is not intended as a media player so, in my opionion, this would just be extra bloat that the app doesn't need. There are much better apps to do what you want, some of which have Dropbox support built-in to them. Search the app store for your device and you'll likely find a few.

Explorer | Level 3


Please check out - a music player built on top of the Dropbox API. It allows you to play the music in your Dropbox account and create playlists and set them on repeat. I think it would do exactly what you are asking about. And it is FREE. 


Happy Streaming!

New member | Level 2

I use the mobile app on iOS12 and the biggest enhancement for me would be the addition of a play repeat button/option for audio files that are either in my Dropbox or stored locally on my phone. I share music compositions via my Dropbox account and I typically like to listen to my works in progress on repeat so I can evaluate mixing levels, song composition, etc. It's a drag to always have to press play once the file completes, and if the song is longer than my phone's sleep time, I have to unlock to replay.

That can't be too hard to implement, right?




Dropbox Staff
Hey Steve, that sounds like a great idea. :grin: I’d be more than happy to pass your comments on this along to the dev team for future consideration. 
If you have any other thoughts you’d like me to forward or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give me a shout and, in the meantime, have a wonderful day ahead!
Explorer | Level 4

I'd like you guys to add it as well because Iphone makes it too complex to add audio files

Dropbox Staff

This idea is going to need a bit more support.

We've updated the status to encourage more users to back you up!

Status changed to: Gathering Support
Explorer | Level 3

Hey there, 

I'm a produce & music lover. Long time ago connect with dropbox. I really in love what box do, its eassy to use & stuff like that... BUT... I jost want ask you guys. Do you planing update sound concept in you App? I meat, i usually listen music via "Box" on my iPhone & i feel unconforble with this player whitch you are envent long time ago. Mayby you can add some usuall things... like create a playlist, looping song. integrate some regular stuffs, you know.  I hope you'll see my messege. XX


New member | Level 2

I'd also like to see a 'select all/play' option on music files in dropbox.


Actually, what I was trying to do first, was copy files from Dropbox into 'Music' on my iphone XS, but cannot see a straigh forward way to do that..?

Helpful | Level 6

I am 100 % for this.   I have asked a cpl times over the years. As a composer, I often want to listen to a cue over and over on my phone, driving, whichever.  I always make the files available off-line so they are locally on my phone so it won't take up bandwidth to stream them. A repeat function would be an incredibly useful feature and a great help

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31 votes received Status: Closed