Forum Discussion

Leafchild's avatar
New member | Level 2
6 years ago

How can I share a photo album with others and have them upload too?

Can members invited to a shared photo album upload their photos to this album as well? If yes, how? If no, is there an easy way to add or move all of the photos in an album into a folder so that I can share the folder instead?

  • Mark's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    I dont believe there is Leafchild, sorry. In terms of albums they are a depreciated feature now so there is no way of moving everything over quickly and easily :(

      • Leafchild's avatar
        New member | Level 2
        Thank you for your replies. I have like 100 photos out of 500 in the album, so I hoped I didn't have to go back to reselect into a folder, but maybe that is what I have to do.