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I lost my Dropbox account because I lost my email!

I lost my Dropbox account because I lost my email!

Explorer | Level 4
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Dropbox is a good service but he has a HORRIBLE SUPPORT! As I'm talking to robots and not humain being! I try to recover my losted DROPBOX account since 8 MONTHS (YES 8 MONTHS WITH THIS HORRIBLE SUPPORT BUT NO HELP)!

I lost my email (Gmail) because it wasn't protected by two step verification and it has a weak password, so someone hacked me! the hacker change the password and he add 2 step verification! when I try to recover it by Gmail recovery form there is no hope because I don't have access to the 2 step verification of the hacker and as you know GMAIL SUCK TO because there is NO HOPE to get my email back nor a service to contact them, and so I can't recieve a password reset link from DROPBOX!

I explain my problem with the MINORS DETAILS to the support but all they can said is we can't help if you don't have access to email! BUT WAIT GUYS! I still have access the 2 step verification because my Dropbox account is protected with 2 step verification! I still have a phisical access to a linked DEVICE (the device is formated so no access to Dropbox file), so I can provide you with the MAC address used and all the evidence that prove I'm the owner! BUT DROPBOX SECURITY IS ALL BASED arround an email! Guys, are you kidding? 

There are several reasons to lost my email, someone could have attack my account (as my case), I could lost my devices, my hard drive could explode and I lost all data, and the only answer is that you cannot recover my data? WHY YOU ARE LIKE THAT!

I see this post where someone could recover its account by providing some details! I have all this details TOO! I can provide them!

PLEASE I need a supervisor to assist me so I get a reset password link! and you Dropbox! how the hell can someone access my account if he can reset a password (as someone pretend he is the owner (me) of my account) but he dosn't have an access to my phone which I used in 2 step verification of my account! it's impossible he can access to my account because he didn't have the 2 step-verification phone number!!!!


I open DOZENS of tickets, the last one is #9274857.


1 Accepted Solution

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Dropbox Staff
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Hi there @mak291, I’m sorry to hear about your experience. 
At first, I wanted to mention that, in general, as with many online services, you must have an active email address in order to create a Dropbox account. Similarly, Dropbox also requires you to have access to this email address to change account settings, as it allows us to protect your account against unauthorized access.
Additionally, you mention that your email address was initially hacked, in which case I’d recommend contacting your email service provider as they’ll be able to look into this.
However, I do understand how important this is for you and due to account-specific info required on this matter, we’d have to continue via email. As such, I was able to locate your ongoing communication with a member of my team reviewing this for you and have passed your comments along. As soon as they have more details on this, they’ll get back to you.
Thanks in advance for your patience and cooperation!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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10 Replies 10

Dropbox Staff
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Hi there @mak291, I’m sorry to hear about your experience. 
At first, I wanted to mention that, in general, as with many online services, you must have an active email address in order to create a Dropbox account. Similarly, Dropbox also requires you to have access to this email address to change account settings, as it allows us to protect your account against unauthorized access.
Additionally, you mention that your email address was initially hacked, in which case I’d recommend contacting your email service provider as they’ll be able to look into this.
However, I do understand how important this is for you and due to account-specific info required on this matter, we’d have to continue via email. As such, I was able to locate your ongoing communication with a member of my team reviewing this for you and have passed your comments along. As soon as they have more details on this, they’ll get back to you.
Thanks in advance for your patience and cooperation!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4
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I don't understand if you in Dropbox support humain or no, or if you read your costumers message fully or no! Do you read my message Lusil? My email provider is Gmail! and there is no way I can talk to them nor prove to them my account is hacked, because simply someone know my password somehow, he get my account, he add two step verification and bye bye my account! Do you think you guys that I wait 8 months fighting with your support to come and tell me that you should check with your email provider? I DO EVERYTHING! ABSOLUTELY! I CAN GIVE YOU A DETAILS STEPS OF ALL THE FIGHTS I DID TO TRY getting back my accounts!

Horribile support (after the non support of Google)! Waiting for a reply from a supervisor!

Dropbox Staff
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Hey again @mak291
I understand how important this is but I’m afraid there’s not much troubleshooting that we can do nor carry out an investigation on this, as this is a public platform and account-sensitive information is necessary to further assist. 
Please rest assured that I have passed your comments along to my colleague reviewing this for you and they’ll do their best to assist you. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4
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@Lusil Okay, I am waiting your help! HOPEFULY! and I hope this is not take too much time because as said before, all my HARD WORK in my study is in a critical situation! 

Legendary | Level 20
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Hi @mak291,

You mention that You have access to the Dropbox account still. May be better solution could be a new account (using new email of course) in Dropbox or another service. After that, You can transfer all Your data to the new account (wherever it is) and clear all information from the old one. For example pCloud provide automated transfer from another cloud services (including Dropbox) and all transfer can happen almost automatically (in just few clicks), data size independent.

If You have problem don't rely on somebody else, solve the problem yourself! :wink: :grinning:

Good luck!

Explorer | Level 4
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Hi @Здравко,

What I mean is that I still have the only device which I used when I link my losted Dropbox account to it, now, this device is get formated so it backs to Factory Settings, and I lose all my Dropbox data, I mean that if Dropbox require for example the MAC address of this device I can provide it as an evidence! Unfortunately this Dropbox support treat us badely and don't care about it's costumers and instead helping them, they give them a static automated answers that tell them that we can help!

Imagine that 8 MONTHS AND NOTHING HAPPEN, NO ONE HELP ME! they simply can check the login activity and they can easily find that there is no activity since 8 months in that accounts! I think they have rock heart! they have no feeling with others!

Legendary | Level 20
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Maybe I'm wrong during some  supposions I made. Do You have access still to the old Dropbox account? This is important! Above, You said about Your email account is lost. This doesn't lead immediately to Dropbox account losing! If You know Your lost email address and the Dropbox password, it's in Your control still (of course if the password isn't changed still by attacker to the Dropbox account). Actually, how You login here? The email password isn't needed (even the same)! Also, can You access Your data through a browser? If not, sorry, I misunderstood the case. Anyway, You should take little bit more care for Your personal information.

Explorer | Level 4
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@Здравко No I haven't any active session to my lost Dropbox account! My Dropbox password I don't remember it because a generated random password, I save it in my losted email (the hacker can't acces my Dropbox because it's protected with 2 FA), so my losted email lead to the impossibility of requesting a reset password link from Dropbox!

Here I use another Dropbox account to talk to support, however I have access to the 2 step-verefication phone number that I used as a 2 FA in my losted Dropbox account, I can provide Dropbox support with many details about my losted Dropbox account, so I prove it's my account! I can tell them exactely all the folders and files that exist in my losted Dropbox account! All I need from the Dropbox support is to send me a reset password link so I can reset my password! and because the Dropbox account is protected with 2 step-verification, only resting the password is useless if I'm not really the owner that own the phone number used in 2 step-verification!

Legendary | Level 20
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Ooo... I see. The 'tiny' part is the random password. That's why I use such passwords only for local device protection. Devices, which I can hard reset them, if need. It seems You have enough information for confirm Your identity, but it's matter of company politics... :dizzy_face:

I wish You success.

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