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my files disappeared.

my files disappeared.

Not applicable

I installed the dropbox on my MAC and it automatically uploaded some files.

However when I entered the dropbox, it is not there. it is an important file and I cannot miss it. Can someone help me? I already looked at the list of deleted files and there is nothing. I did it on Tuesday, the 26th, and on the 27th, I was no longer. I already did the backward process but the file just disappeared. I don't know what else to do! when i try to open the file in Word, it appears that it is in the dropbox in the following path: users / paulobarros / dropbox / mymac / desktop / filename but when I open the drop, there is nothing. HELP PLEASE!!!

99 Replies 99

Dropbox Staff

Mi dispiace apprendere che i tuoi file mancano, @lr5


La prima cosa che devi capire è se si trovano all'interno di un account Dropbox diverso.


Assicurati di controllare tutti i tuoi indirizzi email, per vedere se riesci a trovare email da Dropbox, in modo da sapere se questi indirizzi sono associati agli account Dropbox.


Inoltre, hai creato l'account del team Dropbox Business ad aprile? O ti sei unito alla squadra di qualcun altro?




Sorry to hear that your files are missing, @lr5.


The first thing you'll need to figure out is if they're possibly inside a different Dropbox account.


Make sure to check all your email addresses, to see if you can find emails from Dropbox, so that you know if these addresses are associated with Dropbox accounts.


Also, did you create the Dropbox Business team account back in April? Or did you join someone else's team?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4
Dear Mark,
I thank you very much for your answers and your help. Also I thank very much your colleagues who answered me before for their help.
I solved the problem.
Best regards

Explorer | Level 3

I went into Dropbox to retreive a file only to discover that every single file I had uploaded (pdf's) are GONE! 
I went into my computer's history and found several old links to certain files on dropbox and when it brings me to the dropbox page, a message pops up saying file doesn't exist. 
I don't know what happened but Im devestated that all my files are now gone!!


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Explorer | Level 3

only recent things I did the last hour.

Explorer | Level 3

I went into my computer's history to find a previous link from September and when I click on it instead of it bringing me to the file I get an error message saying "file doesn't exist." It's as if all my files were deleted. But yet when I go into deleted files nothing there exists.

Dropbox Staff

Hey @KatHomespun, sorry to hear about this.


I would suggest scrolling down as much as you can on the events page; it should show you events as far back as 30 days ago, so make sure not to miss anything that would give you a clue as to what happened.


Try searching for some example file names through the search bar as well, to see what you can find.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

I am missing years of files, none of which I selected for deletion.

Is Dropbox arbitrarily deleting files without notice?

Is there a work around?


Good grief.

Dropbox Staff

Hey @PatrickVB, sorry to hear about this.


Dropbox won't delete your files, but here's a list of reasons why files might get deleted.


What does your deleted files page and your events page show?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi Hannah, 


Thank you for the very speedy response.


No one else has access to my files, and Dropbox is very good about alerting me to someone else signing onto my account—so something is literally amiss!


Many of my files are missing and unretrievable 30/180/365 days; I did not delete them, and from what I see on this forum and the (questionable) internet searches, others have experienced similar deletions.


Under what circumstances would Dropbox delete files, or is there a potential syncing issue from old to new devices?



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