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Re: Why is the Dropbox Desktop App no longer available??!

Why is the Dropbox Desktop App no longer available?

Helpful | Level 5
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The dropbox desktop app had such a great user interface and was a good workflow for our team.. unfortunately as of 17 Jan 2022, it has been dropped.. I wonder why this change was made, and i'm just hoping the application is being improved instead of being killed.

What we enjoyed out of the desktop app was the ability to pin specific files to the main dropbox for quick access, which everyone was able to identify quickly. with the Finder app, it was hard to see pinned items, and with the website, its a redundant process – requiring lots of extra steps – having to open up the website to identify the folder before pinning them. the website does not give as much visual cues as the desktop app previously had. 

Please, dropbox, #bringitback! 

84 Replies 84

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"I would also like to assure you that your content is still safe and in the same location as it is today."


You've taken away one of my favourite part of Dropbox - but I should be happy because at least you didn't randomly move or delete my files?!

Sorce Eastwood
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It's a new style of modern business 🤣

Debbie 60
New member | Level 2
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Is this why I can no longer sync photos to my laptop.  

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Not sure if anyone's mentioned this already, but you could try Slapdash ( to pin your favourite files from across Dropbox using Slapdash's 'Spaces' feature, as a replacement for the Dropbox desktop app's pin functionality

Helpful | Level 6
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i ONE THOUSAND percent feel your pain.     I spend most of my day in Illustrator , and the rest working in the Desktop App where I create files/projects for my team and clients.  

The last week has been ABSOLUTE TRASH.   I have wasted so many hours searching for where my stuff is.. and how can I collab with clients in a concise/beautiful manner we are used to and pay a lot for.  

I've been spending the last 4 hours this evening moving all of my files over to different cloud options that I'm testing ... because after years of loyalty and thousands of dollars, Im breaking up with Dropbox.      

I feel silly to be this mad about a freaking app, but y'all have killed my workflow and really screwed things up.   

Currently testing Box, JumpShare, Sync & giving Google Drive one more shot too.    

Paul A.25
Collaborator | Level 9
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I want to set up Selective Sync, and I used tobr able to do it with the Desktop  App.  How can I do that now?


Please don't insult the user community by telling us about all the great new stuff that Dropbox has when you're taking away something we've been counting on.


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you know what stinks?   

Im narrowing down what system to migrate to.. and they all have a few perks over Dropbox, they all have a few cons to Dropbox..

But none of them are what Im used to in being a Dropbox user forever..   ugh

Helpful | Level 6
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Well by the looks of it Dropbox does not care if they lose business. I was chatting on Discord with a few friends about it, one friend said that the company he works for has 60+ people and they are complaining about the "New and Improved Dropbox" changes so they are shopping around for something new. They have contacted Dropbox but  have not received an answer from a human, only a bot. I just looked it up and 60 people using Dropbox cost $1,250.00 a month or $12,000.00 a year if they don't care about that then they definitely don't care about us.

Super User II
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@oliviafair i doubt the app will come back BUT the software is still on the computer - the syncing etc. is still here, just the visual side has changed


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Helpful | Level 5
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You can still control Selective Sync and local files thru the preferences for the Mac desktop integration. As a Mac user I can’t say the same for Windows but would expect it’s probably similar
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