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Photo albums disappeared

Photo albums disappeared

Helpful | Level 6
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Can somebody please help me as all my Albums not files have disappeared.
I have hundreds of pictures stored in these albums and need them back?
Look for to hearing back from people

49 Replies 49

New member | Level 2
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Wow.  I can't believe that Dropbox would just unceremoniously and without warning delete people's photo albums.  I too had spent a lot of time organizing photos.  The worst part, apart from losing all that organization is that it makes me NOT TRUST dropbox anymore.  What else are they going to do with our files without telling us?  A least a warning would have been nice, so we could move them somewhere else.  Sigh.  My work has been trying to get me to switch over to onedrive and I've always held on to dropbox, partly for the photo organization.  Maybe now is the time to make the change.  I'm really disappointed.  

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over 3000 photos of my deceased dog is gone, my big brother's funeral, my mom's funeral, my son's friend (turned 17) funeral, my sons pictures, and much more are gone, I have cried so much. Can only hope that Dropbox reintroduces the albums as they were before they were removed ... do not know what I do if the photos are gone forever ... SHAME DROPBOX!

Helpful | Level 5
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This is absolute horse**bleep**. I just spent 45 minutes trying to figure out what the hell happened to the albums I'd created.  I had one that I used all the time; it was a collection of photographs of things I found myself frequently referencing, like photographs of my vehicle's license plates, VINs, my family's social security numbers, my wife's driver's license.  Images I'd taken over the course of 13 years, all helpfully grouped together and now I have to go back through tens of thousands of photos to find the 14 that I had grouped together there. Not to mention the albums I'd made of my kids to show to people who'd asked.  A very carefully curated set of a dozen or so photos that I thought were most representative of--oh, for eff's sake. I don't need to tell you what photo albums are for.  I just can't for the life of me understand why the hell you removed this extremely useful (and honestly very basic) feature.  What drugs are your product managers on that they thought this was a great idea?  Absolute crap communication with your customers, too, about it.


I honestly can't put my frustration with this asinine move into works. 

Helpful | Level 6
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Walter, yes you can still see your photos but let's say you want to see you sons soccer photos that you have grouped into one place for the past 5 years. HOW would you suggest going about doing so now? Scroll through 5 years of photos and search each image to find the ones you previously grouped into an album? Why isn't anyone from Dropbox helping here?

Helpful | Level 6
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They are too embarrassed to comment .The lack of notification about removing the albums is my problem with the 10yrs worth of photograph memories

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I wish I could ignore my customers like they are. I have never worked with any businesses that do not provide an avenue to directly communicate and receive help. Is Dropbox even monitoring or reading these posts? No other way to get help or answers is ridiculous!

Helpful | Level 5
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Agreed. If I'd had some notification that my album was going to go away, I'd have taken a moment to take those 14 photos (out of 27,000 or so from the past 14 years) and make them available elsewhere. Now, I have no freaking clue where they are.  I lost them just like I lost my keys. Sure, there's still SOMEWHERE in my house, but unless they're on the shelf where they belong they might as well just be utterly gone.


I spent 45 minutes first trying to figure out where the feature went and then another hour scrolling through thousands of photos and I've found 5 of the 14 so far.  Not just the fact that a useful feature is now dead, but just the shear waste of my time this has created.  By a product I *pay for*.

New member | Level 2
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I agree. Very disappointed that the Albums have gone. I appreciate that the photos are still there but it was so much easier looking for an album now I have to scroll through thousands of photos. 😭😭

New member | Level 2
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My photo albums have disappeared

Helpful | Level 6
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I understand that the photos are still stored in the app but scrolling back to find photos from years back isn't the same as opening a album!

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