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I'm missing files from my Dropbox account - what happened?

I'm missing files from my Dropbox account - what happened?

Explorer | Level 3

I tried to log into dropbox on my computer and it wouldn't let me. I went to my app on my phone and noticed all of my files but someone else's name on my account. Signed out of that persons name and back into mine and all of my stuff is gone. 

10 Replies 10

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Dan58, is it possible that you're referring to a different account, and not the one you're currently looking at? 


I'm asking that, because had your files been added to your Dropbox account, then there should be a sign of them in the account's Events page.


Even if the content was later on deleted, it should show as uploaded -and then of course removed- when checking that page. It's rather odd that you see nothing in regards to your content there. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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