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Re: Error 500 when I'm trying to retrieve a file's version history.

Error 500 when I'm trying to retrieve a file's version history.

Helpful | Level 6

I am attempting to retrieve a previous file using the Version History, however, I keep getting an "Error 500" messages. Any thoughts on how to fix this?

30 Replies 30

Explorer | Level 4
I have the same problem
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I have the same problem
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Explorer | Level 4

I have the same problem
did you find the solution?

Helpful | Level 5

Same here, obviously not a user/browser error but something dropbox needs to figure out

Dropbox Staff

Hey everyone! 


Thanks for your patience while we try to narrow it down. 


Does this happen while you're using a specific browser? If so, would you mind clarifying which one? 


Have you made sure there are no plugins or extensions enabled that could be causing this issue? One more thing: do you notice this behavior when you select "Version History" or when you try to restore to a specific version? 


Let me know more! 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4

me pasa con todos los navegadores, con TODOS los acrchivos

el problema no es del usuario porque, como ven, le pasa a muchos

preciso la solucion

Helpful | Level 5

Hi Megan, 

Tested on the following systems. All of them give the same result. It happens when you try to access the version history, so you can't even get to the list to restore a version.

  • Windows 10 - Chrome (including incognito)
  • Windows 10 - Edge (no extensions)
  • MacOS Montery - Chrome
  • MacOS Montery - Safari (no extensions)

New member | Level 2


I'm encountering the same problem. The history recovery feature normally works well on my machine and Fireforx browser. Yesterday I get an "error 500".


New member | Level 2

Same problem here, at least since yesterday (possibly longer). Deleting cache/cookies doesn't work and it occurs in both Chrome and Firefox, so the problem seems to be on Dropbox' side.

New member | Level 2

Same problem here, getting Error 500 when trying to restore doc.

Helpful | Level 6

It happens when I use any browser. I also have no plugins enabled.

The error message comes when you click on "version history.Screenshot 2024-07-19 085506.png

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