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Re: Replacing a shared file

Does a shared link change if the file is edited?

Donald T.
Explorer | Level 4

I have a shared file in my dropbox, and created a tinyurl for it.  Is there a way to replace and rename that file with an update and not break either the dropbox or tinyurl link?  

9 Replies 9

Super User II
You can replace the file exactly as it is (same name and location etc.) and it will not change anything but you cannot rename it.


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Donald T.
Explorer | Level 4

Not true (I think).




I even did a test. Created a file named "something one". Got a link to it to share.  Then I used tinyurl to get a personally named link for it "".  I then renamed the file to "something two".  Used the original and the tinyurl link to bring it up just fine, although the actual link still had the text "something" and "one" in the url.  If I then ask for a link to share this renamed file, I get one with the "one" in the link replaced by "two".  Now either the link with the "one" or the "two" will bring up that file in it's latest form.


Is there something I'm missing?

Super User II
Dropbox did update it a while ago so that it SHOULD still work if you move/rename a file, but, personally speaking I dont find it all that reliable. It isnt something I would risk for my shares just in case.


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Dropbox Staff
Hi Donald, a shared link to a file in your Dropbox is special in that it will ‘follow’ the file.
If you move the file to another location in your account, overwrite it with another file or the name name, edit it, and rename the file, the shared link will stay active. 
This is because each file has its own unique ID, so regardless of what you do to the file, the link is attached to the ID, not the file (if that makes sense).
Of course, deleting the file, or deleting the link to the file, will break the connection. Recreating the file after the deletion, or recreating the shared link if the link was removed will create a new shared link. It isn’t possible to get the same link as before.
TinyURL as you mentioned makes a shortened URL of an existing link. Since it is literally a redirect request to that shared link, the above explanation also applies to the TinyURL. Any changes to the file will reflect when a user opens the TinyURL.
Hope this helps to clarify matters!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Super User II

I have to agree with @Mark. Renaming or moving a file that has a share link is unreliable. While it's supposed to keep the same link, my experience has been inconsistent in that the link has changed many times when it shouldn't have. It's not a feature that I would rely on.

Donald T.
Explorer | Level 4
Does the above process also work on folders?

New member | Level 2

A related question:

If I:

A: edit the original file name to "unedited' ("Cute-Cats" to "Cute-Cats-unedited")

B: download that 'unedited' file, make edits and upload it with the original file name ("Cute-Cats")

then will the document hyperlink link to the original file now named "Cute-Cats-unedited" or will the hyperlink now link to the new file with the original name "Cute-Cats"? 


Based on your reply I am understanding that a file hyperlink is a unique link that is attached to the original file, despite future name updates or file updates. 


...but just doing a sanity check here.  Thanks!

Dropbox Staff
Hi there, @hey_you! Welcome to our Community!

If you download the "Cute-Cats-unedited" file, for example, to your device and rename it to "Cute-Cats”, then upon reuploading it to your Dropbox account, you will end up with two files instead, one under the old name and the edited one under the new name. In this scenario, your shared link will only work for the original “unedited” file. 

However, if you keep the same name after editing the file on your computer, then upon reuploading it, the new version will overwrite the old one and the shared link should redirect you to the new updated file instead. 

I hope this helps and l am here for any questions you may have!

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Legendary | Level 20

@hey_you, Mostly like ordinal file system, Dropbox storage is organized to keep files content in structured manner as a data piece. Such pieces of data are (usually) structured hierarchically in directories/folders. If we assume files are like bags of some goods, folders are like a hangers for these bags. Every one "bag" has their label (that can be changed - bags rename). The same for the "hangers". Together with the labels, bags and hanger (files and directories) can have other attributes too. Let's say emblem for additional designation or additional handles (share links), for example. In short the above represents general idea (clear enough for you, I hope).


The file/folder link (like some handle) are associated to particular file/folder (the one it points to). If not removed explicitly, it point still to the same file/folder despite some other attribute gets changed (the file/folder name, for example). Hope your case (A) gets an answer here. A particular file either named "Cute-Cats" or "Cute-Cats-unedited" is it the same file or not?! 🧐🤔

About your second case (B): Is the file, you are going to upload, the same file like the one you renamed or it's a new one? 🧐🤔 Rhetorical question of course.

@hey_you wrote:
... will the document hyperlink link to the original file now named "Cute-Cats-unedited" or will the hyperlink now link to the new file with the original name "Cute-Cats"? 


Actually you are giving answer within your question! Don't mess file name with the file itself! Focus on "original file" and "new file" in your statement! 🙂


@hey_you wrote:

... a file hyperlink is a unique link that is attached to the original file, despite future name updates or file updates


One note here!!! When you are updating some file, you don't create a new one! The file is still the same and continue to keep all attributes assigned including eventual link. In your cases, there isn't any file update! You are creating a new file. Anyway names update doesn't matter; they a just an attribute.


If you are using Dropbox application, should be aware that some external software can affect file existence, renaming, and moving on local file system and how it looks like from Dropbox application point of view. In previous posts where noted that sometimes unexpected results bring up (wipe out of some link, for example). Should be careful what you are using to handle files within Dropbox folder.

Hope this helps.

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