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Up/Download Speed Indicator Missing?

Up/Download Speed Indicator Missing?

Collaborator | Level 8
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I was able to check the Up/Download speed of syncing files via the Dropbox app, or by moving the mouse over the Dropbox Task Bar icon. (Windows 11). Has this feature been removed ? See screen shot below.




1 Accepted Solution

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Dropbox Staff
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Hi there @NB141 - thanks for posting on our Community!


It seems that the version of the app is a little outdated. Could you update to the latest version of the app from this page directly and let me know how it goes?



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Dropbox Staff
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Hi there @NB141 - thanks for posting on our Community!


It seems that the version of the app is a little outdated. Could you update to the latest version of the app from this page directly and let me know how it goes?



Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Collaborator | Level 8
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@Walter  It worked ... I'm guessing a reinstall sorted a Windows issue as the Dropbox notification box wasn't changing in size depending on the file name length, hence speed text was missing... anyway all sorted. Thank you!




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    NB141 Collaborator | Level 8
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    Walter Dropbox Staff
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