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I'm unable to open shared folders on my computer, everything appears blank

I'm unable to open shared folders on my computer, everything appears blank

Explorer | Level 4

Hi, I have several clients who use Dropbox and share folders with me. For the last couple of days I have been unable to open the folders. They are showing on the left hand side of the screen but when I click on the folder it doesn't open.

5 Replies 5

Dropbox Staff

Hi @GJbristol, thanks for messaging the Community!


Could you try switching browsers to see if this helps?


Otherwise, you can try using incognito/private browsing mode without any extensions running, clearing your cache and even resetting your browser entirely.


Let me know how it goes!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4

Hi Jay


it started working (partially) again for a while. I had the folders on the left hand side of the home screen but had to open the folders in another window. This worked for a while then stopped. Now not even the home page loads. I have tried a couple of browsers but makes no difference. Same on PC as Laptop. Works ok from my iphone but not practical that way.



Dropbox Staff

Hey @GJbristol, I hope you don't mind me jumping in here!


When you say that you're having this issue on your laptop as well, do you mean that you're not able to open the folders from the Dropbox folder in your file explorer either?


If so, can you give us some more info on that?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4

Hi Hannah


Dropbox on my PC  started working again, if I close the window and go back into it (shortcut on pc) it's about 50/50 if it loads correctly.  On my laptop again 50/50 chance of loading and then only partially (folders on left hand side of screen but can't access them). Just logged in and out on pc a couple of times, sometimes loads (partially) last time nothing on left hand of screen but folders on right hand of screen. Bit frustrating as I am a bookkeeper and most of my clients use Dropbox to share invoices etc. 



Dropbox Staff

Hey Gary! Hope you don’t mind if I jump in. 


Can you send me a screenshot of what you see at the moment on your computer, so that I can have a visual?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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    GJbristol Explorer | Level 4
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    Jay Dropbox Staff
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