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GDPR Compliance for Personal / Free Accounts

GDPR Compliance for Personal / Free Accounts

Explorer | Level 3
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I work with various charities in the UK who often use free Dropbox accounts to share files for boards of trustees, teams etc.

There is some confusion as to whether the GDPR compliance steps that Dropbox have made apply to these accounts or only to those on Dropbox Business.

Could this be clarified please?
71 Replies 71

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I currently store client information I work on via my Dropbox Plus account. Please would you confirm that Dropbox Plus meets the GDPR criteria that everyone is rushing to comply with at the moment? I understand that Dropbox Business is, but it is not expressly stated that my files in the Plus account would be treated in the same secure way. I do not need a Business account as the Plus account serves my needs.

Please would you confirm that the data storage services you offer on Dropbox Plus comply with the EU/US Privacy Shield?

Super User II
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Hi Anita

Have a look at

Dropbox IS GDPR compliant, but, like most of this stuff its based upon your own Risk Assessments.

I am using Dropbox to store information on my business (swim school enrolments, first aid course records and employee information) and have been told as long as I am clear with the customers and clients where and how I store it that is fine. It is the same with emails (think Office365/Hotmail or Gmail) as you'll never get them to send you a personal contract of compliance. There has to be a bit of common sense applied to things.

My legal and HR teams are quite happy with the continued use of Dropbox based upon its updated Safe Harbour compliance and, as I said above, informing people what I do with their data.


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Actually, Google and Mailchimp are providing DPAs to non-fee paying accounts - they use model contract clauses. So I wonder whether Dropbox could also do this?

Helpful | Level 7
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Dropbox does that too, but only for Business Account holders with a minimum of 3 users. So even if you pay for a Personal account they don't provide anything and small one person businesses are toast

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It would seem rather short sighted not to make a simple electronic agreement available for personal and plus account holders in the way that Evernote and many other large companies are doing.

A business account just doesn't make sense for me, and my solicitor has advised me that I do need a DPA agreement or should stop using the service.

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I agree. It took me about 5 email to get Dropbox support to say clearly that "yes, Bacis and Personal accounts can't get a DPA". I have asked them to reconsider but as they try to get us on their Business accounts I don't expect them to change. When I asked if they could guarantee my data to be stored in Europe rather than the US their answer was that it can be negotiated if you have more than 250 users. Up there in the clouds..

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They are going to lose LOADS of EU customers if they don't / can't provide a general DPA for non business account holders (me being one of them, as I too keep all my business docs on Dropbox, but run a micro / one man band business).
I agree with you @aukevn it must surely be in their own interest to do this or supply a 1 user Business plan. - Seems they are cutting off their nose to spite their face here!

Dropbox Staff
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Hi aukevn, JB13, louisebeattie, KWCS, I hope you’re doing great! 
@aukevn and @JB13, I run a small search on my end and I can see that your cases are being handled by a higher level of Support. 
I truly understand your concern and I will make sure your comments are passed along to the appropriate department.
In case you have any further inquiries, let me know here and I'll check back with you.
Have a great day ahead!

Moderator @ Dropbox

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Helpful | Level 7
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Thanks Norah, I really hope Dropbox will change this. Currently the statement that the Basic and Personal accounts comply to the GDPR are false.


Kind regards,


Super User II
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It is compliant - from all of the legal advice I've been given for my own personal businesses they are compliant. The biggest risk we have is from my devices so thats where we had to tighten things up.

As Dropbox is part of the US Privacy Shield is is more than robust to use:

I do think a lot of this is because the guidance is so wooly around what we can and cannot do though. I honestly think its going to be one of these regulations thats going to dramatically change due to court cases or similar over the next few years (with big companies, not us small fry) when things like TalkTalk happen (again!) and that we need to keep an eye on the Privacy Shield thing above as that is likely to be dramatically updated. 


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