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Re: Ending support of public folder

Ending support of public folder

New member | Level 2
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Just heard from dropbox that support for the public folder is ending.



As a result, we’ll soon be ending support for the Public folder. Dropbox Pro users will be able to use the Public folder until
September 1, 2017. After that date the files in your Public folder will become private, and links to these files will be deactivated. Your files will remain safe in Dropbox.

If you’d like to keep sharing files in your Public folder, you can create new shared links. Just make sure to send the new URLs to your collaborators.



It is one of the most useful features of the service for me as I use it to get links to single files that I can send to people without setting up shared folders and requiring them to have dropbox accounts.

(Save file to my public folder locally, syncs, right click, get publick link, paste. Doesn't get any easier than that.)

It's also useful for bb style forum posts where you can link to images with an easy tag.


With the public folder support being removed, is there going to be an alternative solution to allow easy public sharing of single files?

659 Replies 659

Helpful | Level 5
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This is indeed very Very sad news. This is a perfect example that you cant trust anyone. Even if its a paid service. I wont be surprised if someday they will just remove all my files because of some "updates" I will probably start looking for something else to replace this very unreliable service if they really do this move.


Actually after reading this news again I noticed that its only for public folder. So if I use shared links with another folders will they function as normal ?

Chris R.
Collaborator | Level 10
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One thing you CAN do in future is get a 'shared type' link and change the final dl=0 to dl=1, and that can be embedded as a direct link in a forum that does not support images except externally hosted. I've tested this out, and it works ... for now.


But I'd like to add my voice to all those who are pleading with Dropbox to preserve all the existing links that have been posted to/from users' Public folders. If they don't - and such links must number in their millions - then a portion of the internet will be wiped out overnight as soon as Dropbox end their support.


But perhaps they just don't care? Well they should - direct links are their USP, and without them there is no reason why users shouldn't flock to OneDrive, Google Drive, or Amazon, and get more storage either free, or for their buck. 'Shared links' are NOT direct links, whatever Dropbox may claim.

Helpful | Level 5
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I usually do this thing to my links:






and this is not from public folder but from photos folder. Will this kind of link stay after the change ?

Helpful | Level 7
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There has already been 19 pages of complaints on this thread and I truly add my voice to those as I also have hundreds (if not thousands) of images on public forums that are impacted by this *** unilateral, unconcerted, short notice ***  decision of the DB team !


However, who does really think ***HERE*** that our (justified) complaints will be heard ?

I personaly doubt ...

A small hope remains but the more those guys (at DB) keep silent, the less likely they will change their mind, or at least adapt to something agreeable.

I am feeling so sorry but yet so resigned.



Helpful | Level 6
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yo también he recibido ese mismo correo y estoy en la misma situación que tu. Yo utilizo Dropbox como alojamiento para mis fotos que luego enlazo en otros foros. Ya se que es un servicio gratuito, pero nos van a hacer una faena a unos cuantos. A ver si cambian de opinión en estos tres meses.


Desde luego, si al final lo hacen como dicen, me buscaré otro alojamiento y cancelaré mi cuenta.


Saludos y a ver si haciendo fuerza conseguimos algo.

vini y.
Explorer | Level 4
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 Oskar M, Dudo mucho, pues es un aviso formal... de manera que qué nos queda! Sigo pensando que Dropbox es lo mejor; Google Drive es una miércoles odio Google y ese monopolio.


Pero sí, Dropbox era todo en uno... podías montar una web sin dominio y el contenido insertado en otras Web no tenía problemas porque era considerado seguro.

Helpful | Level 6
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Yaaaaa... como dices poco podemos hacer.


Habrá que pensar en qué hacer ya que parece que sólo nos quedan 3 meses. Sabes si pagando un alojamiento web (aunque sólo lo utilices como alojamiento) te permitirían los enlaces públicos???


Saludos y ánimo.


Helpful | Level 7
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Looks like a news agency picked up this story

vini y.
Explorer | Level 4
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Oskar M,

Amigo si compras un plan de "hosting", cuesta como $11 por mes con espacio ilimitado; claro puedes comprar el dominio ( si quieres montar tu Web. Si no tienes tanto conocimiento para hacer una página aunque ahora todo es automatizado, mejor sigue usando Dropbox o Media Fire.


Si quieres compartir el enlace directo de un archivo en Dropbox, por ejemplo con el enlace original, le cambias la terminación "dl=0" por "raw=1"

Enlace original
Enlace directo "raw"


En un servidor de archivos Web al indexarlo tus archivos se verían así normal fíjate:


¡Saludos!, cualquier duda me mandas un correo

Collaborator | Level 9
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I first have two questions:
1. For those users that started with Dropbox after they dropped the Public folder in about 2012. How would they share a link on a public bulletin board running, for example, under vBulletin?

2.For the many users like myself who have used the Public Folder extensively, has Dropbox made any suggestions as to how we should address this "problem"?

The "problem" is that we have posted hundreds or thousands of links posted in various places on the net. Some of those posts have been quoted, copied or forwarded to others. Even if there was a practical way to find and edit the original posts/links, that would not correct the additional downstream links.

The "solution" should not be difficult for smart computer people (Hopefully on the Dropbox team) The existing links must not change. But they should be frozen. Surely Dropbox could move on to whatever new system they want, but still keep the existing public links in some sort of archived server? Maybe not forever, but for an extended period - say 5 years?

Any word from Dropbox on any of the complaints?
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