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Can I have static shared links with a constant base URL?

Can I have static shared links with a constant base URL?

New member | Level 2

Ok possibly a stupid question but please bear with me.
I have a lot of jpgs that I need to reference the location in a csv file that I use to import into an application for example on my local pc






is there a way in dropbox that the location for the /amazon/ part would always be the same (or replaced with a constant url) and then i can just reference the rest of the url in the path for example


At the moment I'm just using a local web server and ref the images to do this i.e {local ip}/amazon/{rest of the url}

1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff

Hi @cotc2001, thanks for messaging the Community!


I've edited your links since they were referencing a real shared link. 


Currently, it isn't possible to have static shared links in the way you're asking, as each one is randomly generated..


If you have any further queries, feel free to message back.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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