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Re: Take Dropbox out of Mac Library -- advance reinstall instructions are broken

Take Dropbox out of Mac Library

Explorer | Level 4

The Dropbox upgrade moved the dropbox files to my  ~/Library/CloudStorage/ --- but I can't save any files to that folder. 


All the online instructions say "do the advanced reinstallation per this page: " -- but the instructions on this page aren't visible;  the accordions don't open. 


How can I move my files out of my library and back to my user folder, so I can edit them? 

46 Replies 46

Super User II

@ShanaC wrote:

How can I move my files out of my library and back to my user folder, so I can edit them? 

Why can't you edit files in that location? To the best of my knowledge, Dropbox can only reside in the Library folder moving forward. This is a restriction put in place by Apple.


Explorer | Level 4

I am trying to make edits to a file, and it tells me that isn't able to save to the Library. 


This article refers to the same problem -- and says it was solved by doing the advanced reinstall :


Unfortunately, the advanced reinstall instruction page isn't working - I can't open the accordions. 

Super User II

@ShanaC wrote:

This article refers to the same problem -- and says it was solved by doing the advanced reinstall : 

I don't think that's going to solve this for you. With the new restriction from Apple, the /Dropbox folder is being moved to the CloudStorage folder and changing the location of your Dropbox folder is no longer supported. Even if you did an advanced reinstall, you'll still be left with a Dropbox folder located in CloudStorage. Keep in mind that the post you're referring to is now 8 months old.


I am trying to make edits to a file, and it tells me that isn't able to save to the Library. 

I think the best option for you is to determine why you can't save to your Library and correct that issue. What is giving you that message? Is that from a specific application or all of them, or perhaps from the operating system? Can you provide a screenshot of the error?

Explorer | Level 4

Since I can't actually see the instructions on Dropbox, it's hard for me to know -- can you duplicate what the Mac advanced reinstall instructions are supposed to be on this page:





Super User II

@ShanaC wrote:

Since I can't actually see the instructions on Dropbox, it's hard for me to know -- can you duplicate what the Mac advanced reinstall instructions

No, I can't, but it's likely the same or similar to what Stefanie posted here. Again, this is old information and likely won't have an impact on the Dropbox folder being moved into the CloudStorage folder, as that is now a restriction put in place by Apple.

Explorer | Level 3

I have the same problem. **bleep**.

Andrew Parker
Helpful | Level 7

Just trying to establish how this will affect the current working practices of our studio...


So at the moment all team members have their DropBox folder located at Macintosh HD > Users > Shared > Studio DropBox


This means we can use software like InDesign that creates absolute paths to images etc, and that file path is never affected by a particular persons Mac user account, because it never features in the file path.


Presumably that is not going to work going forward as ~/Library/CloudStorage will be with the Mac user account?

Explorer | Level 4

Sure seems like it, yes.  This makes Dropbox completely useless, and means I will not be renewing my subscription.

Andrew Parker
Helpful | Level 7

That's a real shame, but it leaves our practice with no option, DropBox is no longer suitable for our needs. We'll be cancelling a large number of Business subscriptions and hoping that we can find an alternative way of working. It's really quite astounding how something can go from being the perfect solution, to useless, so quickly.

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