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My public links are no longer working

My public links are no longer working

Helpful | Level 5
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All my public links are suddenly not working. I noticed that the previously copied link URL that I've given to people to access the file had "" as the first part of the url name. But now when I am copying the link, the first part of the url name is ""

I assume this is the issue, but why did this change?

I also noticed the selection option in the dropdown menu that appears when I right click on the file in my Public dropbox folder to be able to copy it has changed. It no longer has the dropbox symbol to the left and says "Copy dropbox link" whereas before I believe it said "Share dropbox link." And above that option, there is something with the dropbox symbol next to it that says "Share..." (that wasn't there before) and gives the option of entering an email address to send it to, or copying the link (also with the beginning url as """

Now not only do I have to recopy the URL's for all my active clients' files that they need to get to, but ALL the numerous "permanent files" that I have stored in Dropbox to access as clickable links on my several websites, in blog posts and online articles, in documents that people have downloaded, in my autoresponders are NOT WORKING. There's no way I can find and replace them all. What is going on?!!

49 Replies 49

Jonathan H.1
Collaborator | Level 9
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@Rich: So whereas before it would generate usable links, now it generates a link that you have to paste somewhere, hit several keystrokes to edit and then doesn't even always work? When it does work, it takes more than twice as long every time. And you have to do it individually for every single file.


Hardly the same functionality...

New member | Level 2
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Why you did it? It was so usefull to share some pic., videos, pdf, and other file in such simple way (public link). Why do we need all this dl=0/1 and raw=1 now? Will the public link a commersial option now, or what?


Super User II
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Romout-GL wrote:

Why you did it?

Best guess... It was being abused, and it was never really intended for hosting files on webpages anyway. It was meant for sharing files with other people. If you want to host images on forums, blogs, etc., then you really should be using a web host or an image hosting service.


Will the public link a commersial option now, or what?

Nope. Commercial accounts are losing the feature in September.

Super User II
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If you were a paid user Romout at the time the free users lost the feature you can continue to use it until Sept. after that its no longer available for anybody.


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Jonathan H.1
Collaborator | Level 9
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Why do they deem is acceptable to harm the many for the sake of the few? Plus all the linkrot makes me sad 😞

New member | Level 2
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This doesn't address the problem at hand - broken links.  I did get the emails stating that the public folder was "going away" and I do understand how to create a shared link.  


The problem is with links that people, like myself, had already created using the Public folder that are now DEAD.  One of the things that I used to use the Public folder for was an "electronic luggage tag."  I have metal tags on ALL of my bags, and my family's bags, with a printed QR code, with the link to our contact info on a pdf, in the Public folder.  


Now that the folder is no more and the URLs for shared files have changed, all of those luggage tags are USELESS.  I now have to print out and make new tags for each and every bag.  The whole point in using a QR code was that I could change the contact info and update the file on Dropbox - if I moved I would never have to change the physical luggage tags, just the file.  


Don't think that I'll be doing that with a shared link to Dropbox.  I'd rather put the luggage contact info on Google Drive.  I have more faith that Google won't break my link once created.


The simple solution here is for Dropbox to re-direct existing (previous) links to files that were in user's Public folder, so that those links still work.  What are the chances that Dropbox will do the right thing and help people out?

Super User II
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My honest opinion? They wont redirect to other sites - or they would have offered that already.

I'd also, personally say, once bitten twice shy so maybe think twice about putting them on Google - as they have removed services previously. Maybe put things on your own domain/link for a few bucks a year?


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Jonathan H.1
Collaborator | Level 9
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traumadoc2b - exactly. awful behaviour from Dropbox and many others are in far worse situations I supect 😞

Matthew T.27
Collaborator | Level 8
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Drinking game: take a shot whenever a super user barges into a thread to offer excuses for this decision


>If you want to host images on forums, blogs, etc., then you really should be using a web host or an image hosting service.

My error for thinking a file hosting service could be used for, ya know, hosting files




Matthew T.27
Collaborator | Level 8
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Has anyone here had any success with service that move files between cloud services? I'm planning my move away from Dropbox when they kill the public folder for paid users.


I've got a few hundred gigs to move. I suppose I could sync them all to my computer and reupload but it's just a pain.

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