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Mac Sonoma/conflicted copies and app isn't loading

Mac Sonoma/conflicted copies and app isn't loading

Helpful | Level 6
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Not sure if the two are related (Sonoma and the conflicted copies) but I opened my dropbox this morning (after installing Sonoma last night) and all my shared folders had been replaced with conflicted copies. The originals were nowhere to be found.


I went to the web version and my MacAir and it showed both copies (original and conflicted). When I tried to delete a conflicted copy, it would reappear. 


On my Mac, I uninstalled the app and the folder on my hard drive. I then re-installed the app (several times) but it won't open (report below). It should be noted that I can now delete the conflicted copies on the web and Air, and they do not re-appear.


Strangely, I installed Sonoma on my Air and no issues at all. 


Anyone having this issue? Any help would be appreciated. This is maddening.   Thanks




bn.BUILD_KEY: Dropbox
bn.VERSION: 183.4.7058
bn.is_frozen: True
machine_id: 63bb90a1-2a95-59e7-a07f-09141b5ed6fc
pid: 1943
ppid: 1
uid: 501
user_info: pwd.struct_passwd(pw_name='carlprince', pw_passwd='********', pw_uid=501, pw_gid=20, pw_gecos='Carl Prince', pw_dir='/Users/carlprince', pw_shell='/bin/bash')
effective_user_info: pwd.struct_passwd(pw_name='carlprince', pw_passwd='********', pw_uid=501, pw_gid=20, pw_gecos='Carl Prince', pw_dir='/Users/carlprince', pw_shell='/bin/bash')
euid: 501
gid: 20
egid: 20
group_info: grp.struct_group(gr_name='staff', gr_passwd='*', gr_gid=20, gr_mem=['root', 'carlprince', '_nsurlstoraged'])
effective_group_info: grp.struct_group(gr_name='staff', gr_passwd='*', gr_gid=20, gr_mem=['root', 'carlprince', '_nsurlstoraged'])
cwd: '/'
mode=0o40755 uid=0 gid=0
parent mode=0o40755 uid=0 gid=0
HOME: '/Users/carlprince'
appdata: '/Users/carlprince/.dropbox/instance1'
mode=0o40700 uid=501 gid=20
parent mode=0o40755 uid=501 gid=20
dropbox_path: '/Users/carlprince/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox'
not found
parent mode=0o40755 uid=501 gid=20
sys_executable: '/Applications/'
mode=0o100755 uid=501 gid=20
parent mode=0o40755 uid=501 gid=20
trace.__file__: '/Applications/'
not found
parent not found
tempdir: '/var/folders/3j/tnn9z6p14k53y1b9k2jrcrg00000gn/T'
mode=0o40700 uid=501 gid=20
parent mode=0o40755 uid=501 gid=20
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "desktop/dropbox/client/", line 5504, in _setup_root_for_account
File "desktop/dropbox/sync_root/", line 520, in get_root_for_account
File "desktop/dropbox/foundation/futures/", line 858, in result
File "desktop/dropbox/sync_root/handlers/macos/", line 232, in set_result_or_convert_exception
dropbox.mac.internal.MacError: [Errno -2001] Error Domain=NSFileProviderErrorDomain Code=-2001 "No valid file provider found with identifier ‘com.getdropbox.dropbox.fileprovider/59d4d117-c039-4214-8e55-41a94767c6bb’." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No valid file provider found with identifier ‘com.getdropbox.dropbox.fileprovider/59d4d117-c039-4214-8e55-41a94767c6bb’.}



27 Replies 27

Explorer | Level 4
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I have the same error txt. I'm on Ventura 13. 

Explorer | Level 4
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My solution was, after uninstalling with File Provider, you must also delete the hidden dropbox files in Finder.  Once I did this, installation was fine.  

Explorer | Level 4
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My problem was that over 50% of my files were “Moved” to the newly created “conflicted copy” folders and NOT left in the original folders, including folders shared with me (I was not the owner, yet files were moved out of the owners folder to my personal CC folders). To fix my issue, I had to manually move all the files and folders back to where they belonged.

Nate D
Helpful | Level 7
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answer his question!  what the hell is going on with DropBox and it's support?  Disgusting. 

Helpful | Level 6
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@Megan @Walter This is important. I failed to mentioned this step when I updated you on my solution. Apple Support had me move all the dropbox hidden files to my desktop. Then I restarted the app and it worked. Hope this helps everyone. 

Explorer | Level 3
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I finally found a way to re install Dropbox app on my computer, using the advanced installation.

But nothing changed during that time on my files.

Here is the location of my dropbox folder. Nothing like Cloudstorage for my part.


Any solution yet ?


Capture d’écran 2023-10-09 à 13.38.18.png

Explorer | Level 4
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A new user profile...where?  In DBx? on the Mac itself?  

New member | Level 2
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Did the new update Sonoma 14.1 solve the conflict copies issues ? Anyone knows ? (I work for a small company and it was a pain in the a** as we also lost files... wanna make sur before reconnecting 20 people to the Dropbox ap...)


Thanks fro your help and answers.

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