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Re: How to Clear or Remove the Recent file list in mobile apps

How to Clear or Remove the Recent file list in mobile apps

Swe T.
New member | Level 1
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I want to clear all the Recent file list, there has no clear function please advise how to clear the list.
Thanks & regards

Swe Tin

310 Replies 310

Ian I.1
New member | Level 1
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Just want to add another voice to this thread. Frankly, as a software developer myself I am utterly amazed that a simple option to "clear recents list" hasn't been added by now - this must be 1 days development maximum, and the lack of such an option is, as others have said, a terrible oversight.

I bought an engagement ring a few weeks ago and took a photo of it, which then uploaded to Dropbox. My fiance had no idea, but when I right-clicked on the dropbox tray item while she was stood next to me, there it was for her to see. So that blew the surprise.

I know it's a trivial example, but there will be thousands of other such scenarios with potentially more serious consequences.

Bliss G.
Helpful | Level 6
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@Ian I:

That's not trivial at all!!  I'm surprised you're so cool about it, honestly.  What's rather trivial is having porn pop up when you're trying to share work with your co-workers haha. 

Bliss G.
Helpful | Level 6
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Thanks, dropbox! 

Thomas H.41
New member | Level 1
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Still waiting for this, which was raised over a year ago. You have a clear search history button. Just add a clear recent list button below and be done with it. If it's a dynamic list that can't be cleared, then just save the time stamp when it was cleared, and filter out changes before that date.

It's just a minor fix for a major issue. I have confidential files in my work Dropbox, and I have to be very careful when opening my Dropbox app in front of others, depending on what recent files I have worked with.

Option to disable it entirely would be best in some cases, but for now I could live with a clear button.

steve t.5
Collaborator | Level 9
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Worse than the lack of a simple fix is Dropbox's ignoring of a thread that goes back over a YEAR asking for help. Do any Dropbox administrators read these forums? 

Super User II
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Worse than the lack of a simple fix is Dropbox's ignoring of a thread that goes back over a YEAR asking for help. Do any Dropbox administrators read these forums? 

The forums are primarily user-supported. While a Dropboxer (that's a Dropbox employee) does post on occasion, it's not often. For direct communication with Dropbox you need to open a ticket with Support.

They do read posts such as this and they bring your feedback to the various development teams, but they rarely, if ever, comment on when or if a feature will change. When and if it does, we'll know about it when it's released.

Thomas H.41
New member | Level 1
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The forums are primarily user-supported. While a Dropboxer (that's a Dropbox employee) does post on occasion, it's not often... [snip]

While that might be true, Marie [dropboxer] answered the initial post after 8 hours, and repeatedly afterwards. Now the thread is 8 pages long, going back a year. I work with software development too, and when you have this amount of feedback - no matter the source (forums, tickets whatever) - it means you have an issue you need to take a look at.

Dropbox Staff
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Hi Thomas, hi everyone,

If you go back to page 7 or 6 of this thread, you'll be able to find my last posts. While I won't always reply to this thread, I can reassure you that myself as well as the product manager for Recents are reading your updates. We do hear your concerns and take them seriously. For example we recently changed the default behavior of the app which now allows you to re-open the app back onto the page where you left it. This means that the app won't open on the Recents page anymore, if you leave it on the file browser. We are considering making some big changes to the landing page in the app in the long term (2017). For this and any other related projects we will keep your feedback in mind. Please keep it coming and rest assured that this thread is not going unnoticed.



steve t.5
Collaborator | Level 9
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What we need is a way to configure the app so that we don't have to hit the "file" tab before closing.

Thomas H.41
New member | Level 1
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Hi Sofia

Sorry, I didn't read through all 7 pages, so I've not seen your earlier replies. Glad to hear you are aware of this thread, and looking forward to seeing the results in 2017. Some might find that to be a long time frame, but software development sometimes takes time, I get that.

Thanks for the tip about switching tab before exiting, that might be handy for my situation. 

Best regards,

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