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Dropbox web app is slow

Dropbox web app is slow

Explorer | Level 4



I don't know why the dropbox web app is so slow: I'm not on fiber but with a ADSL link with a 10 Mb/sec, I would like the file interface to load and be ready in less than 10 seconds... 


Currently, it needs about 50 seconds and more than 700 requests to be ready! And sometimes I still need to wait for it to be able to upload some new files...





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Dropbox Staff

Thanks for your post, @warniiiz.


Are you experiencing the same speeds on all browsers? How about in incognito mode? 


Is this something that started happening lately, or has it been an issue for quite some time now? 


Let me know, and we’ll go from there.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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