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Dropbox synchronisation with an SSD fails when an application is running maintenance procedures

Dropbox synchronisation with an SSD fails when an application is running maintenance procedures

Explorer | Level 3

Dropbox synchronization with an SSD fails when an application is running maintenance procedures and/or application procedures. Some of these produce temporary files the are processed and deleted very quickly. If I pause sync these errors do not occur. However, the application responds to events that can trigger a procedure to run that will generate these errors. I could display a message that will prompt a user to pause synchronization and start synchronization but this would mean someone would have to monitor the application 24/7! Is there a way to programatically stop and start synchronization?

4 Replies 4

Dropbox Engineer

Hi @dave41, can you clarify what errors you're seeing happen?

Explorer | Level 3

This message is displayed:


for each file being processed.

Dropbox Engineer

Hmm, I'm not sure where that error would come from. My first guess would be that Dropbox sees these files, tries to open them in order to sync, and this other app tries to do something with the file that's denied because Dropbox has a handle open to the file. When syncing files, we try to apply as liberal a set of constraints as possible, but unfortunately on Windows it's not possible to fully prevent interference.


In the past we've handled this by checking filenames against a set of patterns used by specific apps, and then backing off on syncing those files for a while, in order to give the app time to do whatever it's doing.


We could potentially add a similar rule here, if we can identify a specific pattern in the filenames this app uses.


To answer your question tho, Dropbox doesn't currently expose any API surface that could be used to programatically [un]pause sync.

Explorer | Level 3

Hi, I have ordered a Windows 11 desktop computer with an SSD. I will add some error trapping into the known procedures and keep an eye on the folder for errors. My gut feeling at the moment is it is the data files with the extension of .tps that are the issue when compressing them for distribution. I will get back to you when I have the new pc. Thanks for looking into this for me 🙂

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