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Re: Support for MacOS 10.12

Dropbox support for MacOS 12.3 - can we finally upgrade?

Helpful | Level 6

Hi, I cannot find anywhere anyone saying that Dropbox properly supports MacOS 12.3, even though it was released weeks ago and has now been superseded by 12.3.1 with zero-day fixes.  I can find discussion of this question in the past, and I can find several users having significant problems with 12.3 as recently as this morning (, but not anywhere where Dropbox can say that 12.3 is actually supported.  As of 3 weeks ago, the most that was said was that it was not fully supported yet.  Since then there has been a conspicuous silence.  (The issue, of course, is that Apple finally completely banned the file system extension Dropbox was using, per what they had been promising for years.)


Is 12.3 officially supported?  What are the limitations associated with running Dropbox in 12.3, if any?


93 Replies 93

Experienced | Level 12

@Megan done all that, v170.4.5895. It's now indexing again.


So now what? Suck up the fact that dropbox is still not fully functional? AND before you start to spout the party line, you know, "we're doing this for you. We want to be sure that we offer the best possible blah blah blah BS" businesses like us are funding your business but don't have what we were promised, the ability to automatically sync locally and de-sync files as we open and close files.

Dropbox Staff

Hi @UKD, it would make sense that the app is indexing, since you just now installed the stable build, and due to the load of files. 


You got this far, I understand how important it is to you, but please have some patience, as file re-index after this change.


As for your ability to sync, and unsync content, could you give me some additional info as to what you need to achieve here? I am only asking, because that ability is still available whether you use our latest app for macOS, or not. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Experienced | Level 12

@Megan It's gonna take a while. This is much slower than the beta build the other day. I think I'm about half way through the indexing with approx 2.4m files to go. I'll just have to wait I guess.


I honestly don't want to get in to this with the syncing. We all know that Dropbox has dropped the ball here and is blaming Apple for their own inability to plan and implement a proper strategy to deal with the API changes. Your company was too busy putting out new requested features like "Paper" and "Passwords" rather than working on the core system and your biggest problem, API connectivity and having your software work properly.


What I don't think your company realises is is who put you where you are. Who supported you and paid for your service as you grew. Who put up with crappy builds and insane memory hogging software. Us... your customers did. Those of us on laptops put up with hearing our fans blasting away all day because your bloatware software was poorly put together. And the reason we stuck with it was because Dropbox was ahead of the game. Great customer service, great features for designers and developers. Awesome file sharing abilities and then later the ability to smart sync files.


And then we are now here... waiting for for Dropbox, over 18 months AFTER Apple announced their API changes, and still no viable finished product available. Would put up with a defective car for this long? You wouldn't right? You'd sell it. Yet we've paid in advance for your service and it falls very short of what it promises to do. So here we are hanging on and twiddling our thumbs waiting to see if Dropbox makes a statement as to when the new release will be for it's customers, you know, the ones paying for your service.


My rant over for the moment.

Experienced | Level 12

@Megan Dropbox is now updating again. 10 million files and counting. Is it supposed to do that? 

Dropbox Staff

Hi @UKD, if you could attach a screenshot of the app's syncing status as it currently is, that'd be amazing. 


Also, if you click on your Dropbox icon, and then your icon on the top right, and check to "view sync issues" do you see anything there? 

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Experienced | Level 12

@Megan no sync issues at all. My laptop fans are going mad and I have no memory left.... 


Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 14.58.01 copy.jpg

Experienced | Level 12

@Megan now 66,000,000 files and counting....

Dropbox Staff

Hi @UKD, it might sound trivial but have you tried restarting your device at all? 

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Helpful | Level 6

Tank goodness someone has said that. This is getting ridiculous. Have just been spent 20 minutes with technical support on chat for them to be completely unable to help (can't blame them, they're not developers).


Now stuck with a completely unusable dropbox as I have no access to my files (and spare me the "use your web browser" which quite frankly isn't an acceptable workaround: can I edit my raw files through my web browser?) and now have an unusable cloud storage.


I appreciate Megan taking time to try and help but "wait for files to re-index" is a bit rich. I've waited 24 hours leaving my computer running. And it's still stuck on the exact same number of files to index (with no idea on which file it might be stuck on - if it's even doing anything at all, I'm not convinced it's even trying - because the app isn't exactly very verbose and reports "no sync issue").


Even tried a full OS reinstall to see if that could help. Nope, exact same problem.


OneDrive is able to make it work and has been able to make it work for what, 1 year now? So it's not Apple's fault. It's been 1.5 years since that change has been announced. It's very dishonest to blame Apple on that one. What do I do in the meantime? Tell my clients "can't get started on your project, my app may or may not be re-indexing my files"? And I don't have a few million files like some people here, only a mere 300k.


It's unfortunate I can't a get a pro-rata refund because this would be the bare minimum, there is no chance I'm staying with Dropbox following this debacle.

Dropbox Staff

Hi @seb182, do you have a ticket number reference from your communication with our Support team? 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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