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Re: Dropbox support for MacOS 12.3 - can we finally upgrade?

Dropbox support for MacOS 12.3 - can we finally upgrade?

Helpful | Level 6

Hi, I cannot find anywhere anyone saying that Dropbox properly supports MacOS 12.3, even though it was released weeks ago and has now been superseded by 12.3.1 with zero-day fixes.  I can find discussion of this question in the past, and I can find several users having significant problems with 12.3 as recently as this morning (, but not anywhere where Dropbox can say that 12.3 is actually supported.  As of 3 weeks ago, the most that was said was that it was not fully supported yet.  Since then there has been a conspicuous silence.  (The issue, of course, is that Apple finally completely banned the file system extension Dropbox was using, per what they had been promising for years.)


Is 12.3 officially supported?  What are the limitations associated with running Dropbox in 12.3, if any?


93 Replies 93

Helpful | Level 5

Is there an update? Dropbox promised to have this fixed in Q4 2022. Please advise! Thanks.

Helpful | Level 6

I think they're rolling out the updates gradually at the moment. For example you can check this support article about the changes in the update:


I've also seen users getting a notification in their desktop app to upgrade dropbox, after which it moved the home folder to the new CloudStorage folder inside the library.


After asking support twice (different people) and getting the worst nonsense answers from people who have zero knowledge about the issues with Mac OS, I just gave up trying to get info.

Experienced | Level 12

What would be handy is if they put a date on when they published / updated a note like this. Also this not being able to store files on an external drive is going to be quite problematic for businesses who have large amounts of data. Hmmm.... I think they've really f'd up here. I don't think they've really thought about their main customer base and the large file sizes they use tied in with the need for faster but smaller hard drives people have got, especially if they're on laptops.


Looking at all of it it does seem to be a right old mess. A lot of people are not going to be happy.

Experienced | Level 11

This sounds like a massive problem created by Apple. What Apple allows and what Apple changes no considerations for Dropbox. But Dropbox has to make it work.

Experienced | Level 12
Has anybody received a notification yet to update? I see another security update from Apple for the new or now not so new macOS and yet some of us are on pre 12.3 and can’t update unless we want major headaches.

Come on @dropbox, sort this out otherwise you are going to start losing A LOT of customers.

Helpful | Level 5

Another missed date by Dropbox on this, been almost a year that Dropbox hasn't properly worked on MacOS. Business clients are still being forced to use a version that doesn't work.


What gives Dropbox, why can't you just be honest with us and transparent on the situation?

Helpful | Level 6

Thing is OSes change all the time. Windows implements system changes too that break or alters the way things work for some apps. Apple had betas out to developers for months to help them sort through this. Major software companies like Dropbox have a duty to stay ahead of these kinds of changes, it's part of why we pay a subscription fee. Don't let them off the hook for this.

Experienced | Level 12
Just had a chat with them again. It’s in Beta and that’s all they can say. No timeline. Only can say the beta is good and had no complaints. That’s it folks. That’s your answer and that’s what Dropbox thinks of its customers. No public updates, no emails to customers. Nothing. Radio silence all the way.

Well that’s me done. I’m looking at alternatives. Probably 15 years I’ve been a customer but they’ve lost me. Done with their bullsh*t.

If you’re reading this @dropbox, that’s 10 business licences gone.

Helpful | Level 6

It's a shame that any threats of leaving probably won't help at all as Dropbox has a revenue of over 2 billion a year of which the majority probably comes from Windows users. I'm curious if there's any other proper service out there with unlimited storage and have smart sync etc though. Previously the company i work for was using Google Drive which was so slow...


Also having 17.5 million paying users doesn't make it an easy task to provide a stable platform when Apple changes stuff drastically, but at least it would be nice to get some more communication of them about the issue 🙂

Experienced | Level 12
There is this:
I just had a look and the only thing I’m a bit hesitant on is the online / offline sync is still in beta.

No affiliation or anything and I just did a quick search so no idea if it’s any good.

Another one is but my experience with them is that they’re a bit slow. They do have cloud sync as I use them for clients. Google Drive I am not a huge fan. Very difficult to work with especially for a design company.
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