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Re: Dropbox support for MacOS 12.3 - can we finally upgrade?

Dropbox support for MacOS 12.3 - can we finally upgrade?

Helpful | Level 6

Hi, I cannot find anywhere anyone saying that Dropbox properly supports MacOS 12.3, even though it was released weeks ago and has now been superseded by 12.3.1 with zero-day fixes.  I can find discussion of this question in the past, and I can find several users having significant problems with 12.3 as recently as this morning (, but not anywhere where Dropbox can say that 12.3 is actually supported.  As of 3 weeks ago, the most that was said was that it was not fully supported yet.  Since then there has been a conspicuous silence.  (The issue, of course, is that Apple finally completely banned the file system extension Dropbox was using, per what they had been promising for years.)


Is 12.3 officially supported?  What are the limitations associated with running Dropbox in 12.3, if any?


93 Replies 93

Collaborator | Level 9

It seems that Dropbox subscribes to the entire file system events, not only for the Dropbox folder but for entire disk. That means that each disk operation calls a block of code located in Dropbox code and seems that code is not fast. I don't know if it is slow because it is not well optimized or it is result of the operations that are done by it comparing with Dropbox file catalog. 


At least Microsoft recommends subscribing only to the monitored folders and only those to avoid general slowdowns and even crashes due to custom code issues. As Dropbox does it, absolutely any disk operation (read, write, copy, move, attribute change) is checked by Dropbox. I'm not sure what part can be dangerous in relation to privacy, but surely it is in relation to performance. 

Helpful | Level 5

It isn't a question of integration for me - it is the hogging of system resources when dropbox is loaded at startup. This was in reply to a message from a community manager 2 weeks ago.

Helpful | Level 6

Making Dropbox work on M1 Macs running Monterrey would shake up the cloud-based storage industry and become a smash hit with Mac owners throughout the world. Given its prevalence within the creative industry Dropbox would be onto sure fire winner if they developed a working version for Mac. You could fund this by taking subscriptions off people who already have the hardware and operating system and are sending you monthly fees already.

Helpful | Level 6

As soon as anyone gets a "save to cloud only / make available offline" replacement service that works how Dropbox used to - I'm off.

New member | Level 2

Was this ever resolved? If not, is there a timeline? The last I heard was Q4. Will it work with Ventura?

Collaborator | Level 8

bwahaha - nope. havent seen nor heard of anything released that is compatible with 12.3+. if you are on business and upgrade to ventura expect the same behavior at 12.3+

Helpful | Level 5

I have an iMac running Monterey 12.6. It is a 2019 model with an Intel i9 chip, 32 gb ram and a 2tb ssd drive. For a few months I was plagued by beachballing, to the point of the machine being virtually unusable. I had multiple online support sessions with Apple, none of which resolved the issue. I prevented creative cloud and dropbox from opening at login. No joy. I finally got them to refer me to a local, Apple approved, Mac service centre. Before I brought the machine in we chatted and I confirmed everything that was happening. Then suddenly the machine began behaving as if nothing had ever been wrong. It has been on its best behaviour for the past 3 weeks - so I have not yet been in to see the pros. I still don't allow creative cloud to start up upon login, but dropbox has been and there hasn't been any issue. Even Acrobat Pro has been functional. I can't explain it. The good behaviour did not start immediately when I went to 12.6, but about a week later.

Explorer | Level 4

Is there any news on this? This feature is a deal-breaker for the usage of smart-sync on MacOS and will turn many users to other services with more attractive pricing.

Helpful | Level 6

Also very much wondering what the deal is here. It's now 2023 and almost a full year since 12.3 developer beta came out (and almost 9 months since the public release) and we still do not have definitive solution from Dropbox.


Should I just start looking for a new storage provider or is maybe Dropbox going to stop taking their Mac users for granted this year? Everyone's guess is as good as mine.


Dropbox please do better.

Experienced | Level 12
I spoke to Dropbox just over a week ago and apparently we’re supposed to start getting notifications to update ‘soon’. Nobody knows when ‘soon’ is though so we still have to just sit and wait for Dropbox to notify us through the application.

Basically we should just shut up and wait and we’ll get a notification when they send it. That could be today or it could be in 6 months. Who the f knows.

This is a massive slap in the face to all customers but an even bigger one to business customers who pay top price for the all singing all dancing features.

Disgusting service from Dropbox. A big 2 finger salute to us. If they put as much resources in to updating their now critical software for most businesses since the pandemic as they do in to stupid new features that nobody asked for, then maybe we’d all be done with this.

Overall this is disgusting from Dropbox. Since the announcement by Apple was made about changes in their OS, Apple have updated their software multiple times and launched a new OS, yet Dropbox can’t even launch an update, leaving all macOS users open to critical security problems.
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