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Re: Can you remove the space in the dropbox folder name ("Dropbox (Company-Name)")?

Can you remove the space in the dropbox folder name ("Dropbox (Company-Name)")?

Vincent M.9
New member | Level 1
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I'm using my companies business dropbox account. And it created a folder called "Dropbox (my companies name here)".

Is there a way to remove the space between "Dropbox" and "("? I don't want to have a space in the path. So the folder name will become "Dropbox-Company" or "Dropbox_Company" or something, but not space.

It seems impossible.

138 Replies 138

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**bleep**, it is 2017 and we cannot get a simple change to the code done in ~2 years? This is eding on ridiculous given that it breaks nothing and seems more like a stance of the developers to *not* do any work just for the sake of not doing any work. 

It is sad, Dropbox client works better than alternatives, but not being able to change the default name of the root folder just does it for me. I wanted to move from OneDrive precisely because of that and now I will just move to my own hosted cloud storage ... no money from me ... 

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Love Dropbox? YES! Think it could be even better? YES! Tell us how. Remove the space!

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it is honestly stupid that developers do not listen to their customers (end users) --- it is a trivial fix, not something that woudl require a major redevelopment. But yes, it does require testing and admission of guilt and that is the reason why we will not see this change ...

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Well yes and no.

I certainly hope it is a trivial fix and it does look like one, but it could easily be quite complex. The devil is in the details.

The big takeway for me is that this forum was setup so we could flag and sicuss issues like this. Yet after two years there has been zero action and not even (as far as I know) any insight from Dropbox.

Even if they said "We hear you but we can't fix this becuase its gonna requie a ton of extra QA", I'd be quite satisfied with that.

Dropbox went to a lot of trouble to solicit feedback but they clearly don't care enough to follow-up on what they started.

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Any progress on this? It basically does not allow me to use any scripts on the dropbox folder.

Dropbox Staff
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Hi all, 

Unfortunately, it's not possible to change the name of Dropbox folder, as many of you have discovered. 

If you are using it for scripts then the best thing would firstly to parse the info.json and grab the path from there. The JSON is located:



Windows will be one of these two paths:


I say this as if you were to move your Dropbox folder at anytime then this would, of course, break any paths that explicitly referenced an exact folder path.

On a side note, spaces within file paths shouldn't cause issues within scripts, it's fairly normal to have some spaces in there, just ensure your path string is correctly formatted and your script should be fine.

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The “fix” there does not help because it is not my script, but whole programs that I did not write that are now broken. We are not requesting a “new” feature. Dropbox used to work perfectly well , and then changed things with bad filenames. I can’t have the parentheses in the names either—it is not just the space. You keep adding new features I have no use of, but never fix what you broke. This has been going on a long time now.

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@Ross S.

This is a tone deaf response.  Your users are telling you they are having problems and you are basically telling them it is their part they are having problems. 

Syncing software is a incredibly useful thing for teams from different companies workign together but it is vitally important to workflows that the naimg paths be the same on both ends.  In my case all of my paths are broken because Dropbox puts our company name in the path and won't let me alter it.  This means that my path names are different than my consutants.  Which means if I need to modify any files I have to spend time repathing items.  It is frustrating and make DB less useful but unfortunatly DB is king right now so we can easily move to another syncing app that allows the paths to remain unbroken.

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The response: "If you are using it for scripts then the best thing would firstly to parse the info.json and grab the path from there. The JSON is located: “ may work for some people, but is completely useless for me. Many programs I use are broken because of this dropbox “feature” . I have wasted untold hours because of this. There should not only be no space, there should be no parentheses, and the user should have the option of choosing the directory name altogether.

Dropbox Staff
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For those having issue performing a specific routing task:

If you were to outline what you are doing, and the error you are hitting, then the community here may be able to help you resolve the issue. The space shouldn't stop you performing the task you are doing.

Again I would advise; there is a space in our folder name, but this is incredibly standard in computing and in no way unusual. 

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