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rdgatz's avatar
Helpful | Level 6
2 years ago

Issues with Mac DB Update (v175.4.5569)

After the latest update on my Mac Intel laptop (13.4), DropBox has been horrific.

-DB folders placed in the Favorites sidebar disappeared, and I can't recreate them. Drag and drop does nothing.

-It takes forever to launch, sometimes it doesn't, it just shuffles the cards.

-If it does manage to load, basic operations are incredibly slow. Deleting, moving, or copying files results in a "Preparing for..." dialog but they rarely complete the action. Usually, the Finder hangs and I reboot. 


I have a ticket in but no answers as yet. I've run Disk First Aid in recovery mode, no errors. This occurred immediately after the update and has seriously boned my main machine. What is the best way to uninstall and reinstall the app?


  • I may have fixed my problem. My previously reported partial fix, failed after a reboot (Starting...️). So I tried the new beta v 176.3.5105. Still a perpetual start (with no reported errors).


    So I signed out of DB on my laptop, uninstalled the app, and deleted all of the DropBox related files. I used this as a guide. https://cleanerone.trendmicro.com/blog/remove-dropbox-macos-or-windows/ I needed to use Terminal to delete the actual DB folder in the /Users/"name"/CloudStorage/ location. Reboot. Then installed the beta (I'd burnt too much time with v175.4.5569 already). After sign-in, DB started syncing almost immediately.

    - DB folders can once again be placed in Sidebar >Favorites.

    - Copying, moving, and deletion of files is now without endless "Preparing..."


    Everything appears to be operating normally.🤞

  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hi there rdgatz, sorry to hear you're having issues with this and thanks for the report.

    It sounds like you may have updated to the new version of the desktop app for Mac OS. In that case, you can have a look here for more information about the expected changes.


    As for your ticket, could you share its ID so that we can look it up in our system?



      • Megan's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hi rdgatz, thanks for the ticket number, I was able to locate it and pass my comments to the agent working on your case.


        They should get back to you as soon as possible. 


        If you re-install the app, that wouldn't put you back to the previous version of the app, as it was before your folder was moved to Cloudstorage. However, since you sent out an error, I'd suggest you wait for the appropriate next steps, on how to resolve it.


        After you do that, and the app is back on track, and running make sure to keep an eye on any odd behavior, and report back on the ticket, so the agent can look into this too. 

    • rdgatz's avatar
      Helpful | Level 6

      Since this version of DB seems to be a non-starter for me, what is the best response? If I reinstall will it be the same version, or can I roll back to the version without the "features." Will a reinstall of the old app use the new "Cloudstorage" folder in Library?

      I finally received an error. I posted the log to the ticket email.

  • rdgatz's avatar
    Helpful | Level 6

    An update:

    RexVex had a tip in another thread. https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Apps-and-Installations/error-message-after-installation/td-p/678597/page/2


    I was able to start DB by logging out while it tried to start. Relaunching would ask for credentials and it proceeded to bootup DB.


    The hitch is it placed the DB folder in its preupdate location (inside the user folder). The post update remains but appears inactive. And while the User folder DB relays changes to DBs on other machines, changes on other machines show as sync history events and only reveal themselves in the DB folder if you click on the event in the DB menu. Also DB right click options (make available offline etc) don't show up. Online only files have to be right click "open with DB" to download. This sucks, but it's better than the performance after the update.  

    PS I should note that the version # is still  v175.4.5569

    • rdgatz's avatar
      Helpful | Level 6

      I may have fixed my problem. My previously reported partial fix, failed after a reboot (Starting...️). So I tried the new beta v 176.3.5105. Still a perpetual start (with no reported errors).


      So I signed out of DB on my laptop, uninstalled the app, and deleted all of the DropBox related files. I used this as a guide. https://cleanerone.trendmicro.com/blog/remove-dropbox-macos-or-windows/ I needed to use Terminal to delete the actual DB folder in the /Users/"name"/CloudStorage/ location. Reboot. Then installed the beta (I'd burnt too much time with v175.4.5569 already). After sign-in, DB started syncing almost immediately.

      - DB folders can once again be placed in Sidebar >Favorites.

      - Copying, moving, and deletion of files is now without endless "Preparing..."


      Everything appears to be operating normally.🤞

      • Nancy's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Glad to hear you were able to sort this out, rdgatz


        thetiredsaint, is there any chance your Dropbox app is currently syncing close to 300k files? If yes, and it’s possible, can you please remove some big folders from your desktop via selective sync, and let me know if you see any difference?

  • Richard L.6's avatar
    Richard L.6
    Explorer | Level 3

    I've had all the same problems after doing the DB Update on my desktop Mac. My two Macbooks which I did not update seem to be running fine. As several people commenting here, this has been extremely disrupting. All the suggested fixes seem to be tentative, and they're also ones that only tech people could understand.


    Please tell us that there will be a downloadable fix -- a new update -- to this problem!