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Forum Discussion

4dmaze's avatar
New member | Level 1
3 days ago

"Sorry, this type of video cannot be saved to this device" error when saving through a shared link

Hello, I have videos that I have exported from After Effects as mp4. I right-click the video and copy the Dropbox link. Then I send it to someone as a text, they can view just fine but when they save it, it goes from 0 to 100 then they get an error. "Sorry, this type of video cannot be saved to this device"

I have sent the same Dropbox link to myself in email, open it, can view it but get the same error.  Saving to/from my iCloud account works fine, it's just to small for everyday use.

There are no strange codecs involved to my knowledge. I have even exported 3 sec. versions of the videos and get the same error, so probably not a size issue. I wish there were better diagnostic tools, instead of just 'you can't'. Any help would be appreciated. It is the only reason I use Dropbox. 




  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hi there 4dmaze - sorry to hear you're having issues with this.

    Can you please clarify your device's OS and if this happens with just this video or all? 

    Are you able to download the file through the shared link on a desktop device normally by the way?

    Any additional information is more than welcome!