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Forum Discussion

Antony P.3's avatar
Antony P.3
Explorer | Level 4
11 months ago

Mobile app navigation: Name / Modified

Using the app, I constantly need to switch from sorted by Name to sorted by Modified, and vice-versa, depending on which folder I'm in. At the moment this is an unwieldy tap plus select, whereas it could be a simple tap on a Name (or Modified or Size) button at the top of each folder. Even better, each folder would remember how it was last sorted, as I tend to have to redo the sorting in the same way each time.

  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey Antony P.3 - happy New Year and thanks for sharing your thoughts on this with us.


    Your feedback has been logged in our system - you can let us know if you have anything else to add.


    Also, note that you can post your ideas separately following these tips so that other users can upvote it and/or share their own feedback too. 


    Thanks again!