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Forum Discussion

Sarah14's avatar
New member | Level 2
7 years ago

Is there a way to see the upload errors for a large amount of files on the website?

I'm trying to upload a large number (over 5,000) of files. When the upload is finished, the status bar at the bottom of the screen says that there were 4 errors in the upload but when I click on the status bar to see which files didn't upload the browser freezes and I have to either refresh the page or close the tab to get anything to happen. When I do that, the status bar disappears and I can't figure out how to see which of the files didn't upload. I don't have time to go through and compare file by file on 5,000+ files to see which didn't upload - is there a way to go back and look at the status bar for a prior upload and see where the errors were? I've tried this upload three times and the same thing has happened every time.

  • Hey Sarah (@Sarah14), sorry to hear about the issue you’ve faced & thanks for posting us your question on our Community!
    Initially, it would be worth mentioning that the Dropbox website uploader can only handle up to 3,000 files at one time. If you need to upload more than 3,000 files you will need to break up your upload into smaller chunks of files. 
    This essentally means that- in the event that you've missed the notification as you've mentioned above- you will not be able to check back which files weren't synced on your account online. 
    Moving forward, an alternative approach to get going with this, let me suggest using our Dropbox desktop application to sync your files to our website instead. The desktop application can handle any number of files. If you’d like to follow my advice Sarah, please follow this link below to download our desktop app & learn more about it. 
    On the Dropbox desktop application you can move file or folder into the Dropbox folder as you normally would for any other folder on your computer.
    I hope that this is-even slightly- helpful to you & please do let me know here in case you have any follow-up questions about any of the above. Thanks again for reaching out to us here & I hope you have a fruitful week ahead! 
  • Jane's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Hey Sarah (@Sarah14), sorry to hear about the issue you’ve faced & thanks for posting us your question on our Community!
    Initially, it would be worth mentioning that the Dropbox website uploader can only handle up to 3,000 files at one time. If you need to upload more than 3,000 files you will need to break up your upload into smaller chunks of files. 
    This essentally means that- in the event that you've missed the notification as you've mentioned above- you will not be able to check back which files weren't synced on your account online. 
    Moving forward, an alternative approach to get going with this, let me suggest using our Dropbox desktop application to sync your files to our website instead. The desktop application can handle any number of files. If you’d like to follow my advice Sarah, please follow this link below to download our desktop app & learn more about it. 
    On the Dropbox desktop application you can move file or folder into the Dropbox folder as you normally would for any other folder on your computer.
    I hope that this is-even slightly- helpful to you & please do let me know here in case you have any follow-up questions about any of the above. Thanks again for reaching out to us here & I hope you have a fruitful week ahead! 
    • TZ1234's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5


      I have the same problem, except for the fact that I'm only uploading 1500 files (so it can not relate to your mentioned 3000 file limit).

      Since I don't want to compare file by file which could not been uploaded, I also need to see the upload errors after the fact - using the desktop app is no viable possibility in my case.

      How I can achieve this?


      Best wishes and thx for your help!

      • Rich's avatar
        Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

        TZ1234 wrote:

        How I can achieve this?

        As Jane mentioned above:

        ... in the event that you've missed the notification as you've mentioned above- you will not be able to check back which files weren't synced on your account online.
    • taimaimai's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      I just uploaded 4000 files that took about 3 hours. Now I have have 23 errors and searching for those errors is insain. When I scroll, it takes about a second per line so it will take me an hour to scroll to find these errors. Is there an easier way to find JUST the error files?

      • Robert F.42's avatar
        Robert F.42
        New member | Level 2

        Yes we could do with this as well.

        Not only that but even if you could see more than about 10 files before having to scroll, or seeing long filenames, that would all help.

        The sync isn't really an option as it requires files to be moved to that sync location.

  • jrlorenz's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Had the same problem today with close to 6300 files. It successfully uploaded around 5900, but I was unable to view any of the errors. It took almost an entire day to upload. I'm unsure now if I should delete all of these and start over with smaller batches/folders, or if I should let it be and just access any missing files from my external hard drive when I can't find them here.

    Dropbox - this is a real user issue. If Dropbox is unable to upload more than 3000 files successfully at a time, there really needs to be a pop up error or message that tells us what you just said - that 3000 is the file max, and that we need to upload in smaller increments.