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EvgenyAGRO's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
6 years ago

Downloading/getting file metadata of files that are located in a team folder

I'm using Java Dropbox v2 SDK version 3.1.0(latest) and I think it is either missing very basic functionality or I'm missing something.

I've got files located in a team folder(shared folder). I'm trying to get those files metadata/download them using file id/path and I encounter an error of path_not_found. From my research regarding this issue I've realized that I have to add a special header called "Dropbox-API-Path-Root" with the relevant namespace id to retrieve metadata/download files from that folder. So I want to know if there is any way to add this header to download/get_metadata requests using the Java SDK(I couldn't find how to do it)? Or the only way to do it is by implementing REST client by myself?


  • vlad_vavilin's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    I encountered the same problem, the answer will be helpfull for me too.

  • Based on your question, it looks like you've already read it, but the Namespace Guide is a worthwhile resource on this topic. 

    There's a method in the Java SDK that can help with this called withPathRoot