Posts & RepliesRe: Desktop app is stuck at indexing - do you have any suggestions? Jay So this eventually did correct itself. The Beta program (when upgraded) told me the file had to be in their own folder ... which they already were, but I'm guessing it's in a different are of the...Re: Desktop app is stuck at indexing - do you have any suggestions? Walter I don't have any special firewalls setup in either location I've been using the computer so I don't think that should be an issue. To you point, I have quit the Adobe Creative Cloud applicatio...Re: Desktop app is stuck at indexing - do you have any suggestions? Hi Walter - Thanks again for helping me. I have restarted the computer and restarted the dropbox app. It all still sits appearing to do nothing. Is there supposed to be some sort of indication th...Re: Desktop app is stuck at indexing - do you have any suggestions? Hi there! Thanks for the reply. I have tried to reboot the computer as well. I have attached some screenshots to help diagnose the problem. Thank you! Desktop app is stuck at indexing - do you have any suggestions? Stuck indexing. Tried restarting app. There doesn't seem to be anywhere to view progress, so I am unaware if it's stuck or just working. At this point, I can't open files directly from their "locatio...