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Previews of CMYK files that look the wrong colour

Previews of CMYK files that look the wrong colour

Helpful | Level 5


I've uploaded to CMYK files to my dropbox so that clients can download them and use them in print catalogues etc. However, in the preview the colour looks nothing like the colour in the file. If I download and open it, it is the correct colour. How can I make it so the preview matches? I don't want to confuse my customers. 

Thank you

28 Replies 28

Dropbox Staff

Hi @woofwear - welcome to the Dropbox Community!

Can you please check if you get the same results after clearing your browser's cache and on an incognito window or even another browser (with no extensions or plugins running)?

In case you still see the same, could you let me know if you're noticing this for all the files of this type?

A screenshot would also help so please feel free to attach one in your next response.


Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Helpful | Level 5

CMYK dropbox.jpg


Thanks for your reply. I have tried clearing the browser's cache and the incognito window and it still looks the same. I have attached a screenshot for you. Not all the files I uploaded look wrong just a handful of the files. I can't try it on a new browser today because I need the admin password from my boss to download it and he is currently on holiday.

Thanks KateCMYK dropbox2.jpg

Dropbox Staff

I see, thanks for the screenshots and the additional information Kate - it's much appreciated. 

As I'd love to have a further look into this, can you send me a shared link to one of the files that's showing this behavior so I can test it out on my end? 


Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Helpful | Level 5


Thank you. Here is a link to one of our products that I'm havving trouble with.

 Ultra Violet Saddle Cloth 




Dropbox Staff

Thanks for the example link @woofwear

I think this might be caused by the file's resolution (what device did you take these photos on?) but to be able to get a more concrete view of the matter at hand, I'd like to bring this under the attention of our experts.

Would you mind if I used the email address that's connected to your Community's profile to reach out so we can work on this internally? 

Let me know here when you get the chance and we'll take it from there.

Great job by the way :grin:

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Helpful | Level 5

Hi, I took the photos on a canon camera and edited them in photoshop. Yes, please go ahead using that email. 

Many Thanks

Dropbox Staff

I've already sent you a brief message so we can look into this together @woofwear!

Whenever you get the chance, please take a look at your inbox for my email and we'll take it from there. 


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New member | Level 2

Hi, I'm also having this issue, was this resolved?

Dropbox Staff

Hi @ChristinaLearm; welcome aboard.

Sorry to hear you're also bumping into this little hiccup (as it affects only previewing the file through our website and not the original file, i.e. when you download and open it locally on your devices) and to be honest I'm still waiting for @woofwear's email.

May I reach out to the email address that's connected to your Community's profile so we can investigate with all of my tools at our disposal?

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