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Forum Discussion

MuffinMama's avatar
New member | Level 2
2 years ago

Excel File Displaying Chinese Characters.

Hi All. I have a file that I edited yesterday that is now appearing online as chinese characters. If I select the cell, the correct/English version of the word appears, but not when displayed. All other excel files in my dropbox appear in English as they should. On the app, it appears in English, this is only happening online.




To troubleshoot I saved the file from my app, downloaded it to my computer, viewed it in Excel where it showed up in English, deleted the dropbox file, then uploaded the English version from my computer, but it is still showing up with the chinese characters. How do I rectify this and view the file on my computer the way it should be??

  • MuffinMama wrote:

    I have a file that I edited yesterday that is now appearing online as chinese characters. If I select the cell, the correct/English version of the word appears, but not when displayed.

    Those aren't Chinese characters.


    This is a Microsoft issue, unrelated to Dropbox, and it's a problem with the font you're using. Change it to something other than Arial and the issue will likely go away. If you search Google you'll find many people experiencing this issue while using the web version of Office that have reported it to Microsoft.

  • Rich's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    MuffinMama wrote:

    I have a file that I edited yesterday that is now appearing online as chinese characters. If I select the cell, the correct/English version of the word appears, but not when displayed.

    Those aren't Chinese characters.


    This is a Microsoft issue, unrelated to Dropbox, and it's a problem with the font you're using. Change it to something other than Arial and the issue will likely go away. If you search Google you'll find many people experiencing this issue while using the web version of Office that have reported it to Microsoft.

    • MuffinMama's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      Wow, Rich, that was super easy! I should have considered that but was thrown off by the fact that the file looked fine w the same font yesterday. Thank you!!

  • Licoge's avatar
    Explorer | Level 3
    hello, my accented characters in French have been replaced by Asian characters
    • Walter's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hi there Licoge, sorry to hear about this.


      Could you send us a screenshot of where you're spotting this so that we can have a  visual too?



      • Licoge's avatar
        Explorer | Level 3
        A few days' ago, it was correct, now accented caracters are replaced. Sée exemple below.
        It's a problem with table caracter code UTF-8 or 850, I don t know how to solve it

        D脙漏part Bruxelles le 14/09 15:30 avec retardDuba脙炉 apr脙篓s 6 h de vol vers 21:30Escale 3:30Vendredi 15Duba脙炉 24:30 d脙漏calage h 2:00 Avion part 脙聽 4:00 du matin plut脙麓t que 3:30 Dempesar apr脙篓s 9h de vol et un peu de retard . Plus 6:00 de d脙漏calage horaire par rapport 脙聽 Duba脙炉 Valises 脙聽 17:00.. attente de 2h.