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Re: Cannot view Excel files created on Windows 10 PC from a new Windows 11 PC and vice versa

Cannot view Excel files created on Windows 10 PC from a new Windows 11 PC and vice versa

Big Maho
Explorer | Level 3

How do I view excel files in my dropbox that were created on a Windows 10 PC on my new Windows 11 PC and vice versa? Here is the error message when trying to access an excel doc created on my Windows 11 and trying to read on Window 10 PC.



3 Replies 3

Dropbox Staff

Hi there @Big Maho - sorry to hear about this.


Are the files you're trying to open available offline on your computer or online-only perhaps?


Also, the file path shown in your screenshot is quite long. Have you tried moving those files to another location or renaming them to shorten their file paths?


Let me know more and we'll take it from there. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Big Maho
Explorer | Level 3

Hi Walter,

The files only live in the dropbox account.  I have the ability to save them locally but my wife and I share files using the single dropbox account for our business.


I have tried to shorten the names but still do not have success opening them. When you refer to another location, are you referring to another location inside my dropbox account?



Dave/Big Maho

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Big Maho, that's exactly what Walter means; can you move one of those files to a location that's higher in your folder hierarchy, for example your main/root Dropbox folder or another top-level folder and let us know if you can open it then?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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