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Storage Space

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No additional space on Business Advanced

No additional space on Business Advanced

Helpful | Level 6

Dear community,

I'm here to advice that the support have been denying us additional space for two weeks, first telling us that there was a momentary problem, then that we had made a request before the 7 days, then again (after waiting 7 days) that there is a problem which however is not written by Nowhere.


We're really worried about that because they don't give us any timelines and the fact that the problem doesn't exist on the dropbox status page and that nobody else talks about it seems a bit suspicious.


I don't like writing these posts but we are really worried don't you think? Are any of you having similar problems? do they only have it with us?



615 Replies 615

New member | Level 2

Three reason why Dropbox is not a replacement for Google Drive:

  1. As an impacted Google Drive Unlimited user and facing the same issue as many, I contacted Dropbox support to confirm if the service was suitable for my needs. I had confirmed that my encrypted media would be safe here and that my amount of data would not be a problem with an Enterprise Advance account (175TB). Around 38TB into my migration I've hit a brick wall with the service and support team. It appears Dropbox has invoked a new policy of allowing 10TB of allocation per week. I was told actively, all way up to yesterday that my amount of data and my migration wouldn't be an issue, and that they will continue to allocated storage in blocks as needed. Now, I can no longer get any storage allocated to my account for a week, and that allocation is limited to 10TB.
  2. Following the above, I wanted to raise and issue and complain. I've effectively been  mis-sold a product, with the actions of the above meaning that I'm stuck mid-migration in limbo and unable to move any more data, with an ETA for the remaining migration of ~140 now going to take 14 weeks. I was promptly advised that Dropbox do not have a complaint policy or a procedure to handle complaints. My issue will be fed to Services in the form of feedback and 'apologies for the trouble caused'.
  3. They have no weekend support. That's right, Monday - Friday. Have an issue on the weekend? Better hope it doesn't impact any services as it won't be looked at.

This is a stark warning for people with Google Drive datasets to steer clear of Dropbox and there service level. This is not the answer you are looking for and will disappoint. I unfortunately committed to a year of service. If you are going to start a subscription, maybe stick to monthly until your migration is complete to at least hold the Dropbox team financially accountable.

Related support tickets;
#22431044 - Requesting storage, have as much as you like

#22443939 - Requesting storage, here's 10TB, come back for more anytime

#22450160 - You've had 10TB, come back in a week

TLDR; As much as you need data is a lie. I need more data and Dropbox refuse to allocated it. See this forum and Reddit for other instances of this happening They also do not accept complaints as an enterprise service.

Helpful | Level 6
I have many business clients who have been affected by false advertising from Dropbox. Over the past few years, we have collected a lot of evidence and are now seriously considering collectively opening a big lawsuit against Dropbox. It is clear that they engage in false advertising and mislead users with their baseless excuses regarding limit changes.

They will say anything to get paid, and it's simply a big lie. Even if you open tickets every day, you will NOT receive as much space as needed.
This is particularly concerning for a company with a yearly revenue of $2.325B.

Their lies and misleading information have harmed our business significantly. It's astonishing that no one has stopped them yet.

If you would like to join the lawsuit, please let me know. We are planning to initiate disputes in different countries to apply more pressure.

As an alternative, I suggest using, which does not engage in misleading practices.

Enough is enough, and this issue needs to be addressed.

Helpful | Level 6

I sugguest that everyone reports false advertising through national federal agency. If you don't know how, please check here:

Helpful | Level 6
Easy online report can be done here, it takes lees than 5 minutes:

Helpful | Level 5

To extend on what @dzeto has said. The company is misleading consumers about the amount of storage that they are actually able to get. it is considered false advertising. The company is advertising that you can have "as much storage as you need" without any limitations. However, when you do request more storage, you are told that there is a 10TB limit per week. This means that you are not actually able to have "as much storage as you need".


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) defines false advertising as "any false or misleading statement made about a product or service in an advertisement." The FTC has ruled that "as much storage as you need" is a misleading statement if there is a 10TB cap per week.  Due to this, you can file a complaint with the FTC.



Helpful | Level 6
I just asked for more storage and now they're giving 9tb per week.
Still no reply from Dropbox support here.

Helpful | Level 6

That is true, I just received 9TB... 

Helpful | Level 6

I feel like it's a classic bait and switch scam.


Customers are tempted in by an unlimited offering. The free trial isn't unlimited, so there's no way of knowing that this undeclared limitation is in place; then, when you pay for a year up-front, you see no issue until you've already transferred 30TB or so, at which point it's too late: you're unable to ask for a refund, as you have 30TB of data on the Dropbox server that you risk losing if they switch it off. 


There is absolutely no way I would have chosen Dropbox had I been aware of this issue; and in all my initial dealings with support, I was never made aware. In fact, it was only after they told me it couldn't be expanded further that I discovered this community thread.


I had hoped that this was perhaps a short-term problem due to volumes, and would correct itself within a few weeks, but the latest development (9TB/week vs. 10TB/week) suggests things are getting worse.

Helpful | Level 6
What I will say is when I finally called instead of emailing for my refund they did it fairly quickly. They also locked my Dropbox, which means it’s read-only. My files are still there and I can download them (even through rclone)…I just don’t know for how long though. Regardless it’s good enough for me to migrate elsewhere.

Richard Eltink
Explorer | Level 4

Hello everyone,


I'm testing the Business Advanced plan, It looks good, I kept getting more space with 2TB each time when the storage almost reached out.


But I'm now stuck at 30TB and I did not got more space, why? its says that I have unlimited space but that is not true.


Im reading alot of topic about the storage problem, I need to know before I really gonna join the DBox.


Thank you in advance!!


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