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No additional space on Business Advanced

No additional space on Business Advanced

Helpful | Level 6

Dear community,

I'm here to advice that the support have been denying us additional space for two weeks, first telling us that there was a momentary problem, then that we had made a request before the 7 days, then again (after waiting 7 days) that there is a problem which however is not written by Nowhere.


We're really worried about that because they don't give us any timelines and the fact that the problem doesn't exist on the dropbox status page and that nobody else talks about it seems a bit suspicious.


I don't like writing these posts but we are really worried don't you think? Are any of you having similar problems? do they only have it with us?



615 Replies 615

Explorer | Level 4

on weekends the not answer any ticket and the chat is close

Collaborator | Level 10
Personally, I get 70-80 megabytes /sec upload with 8 upload threads running at once. That's with having to chunk files. On business you have to setup a chunker to split files that are bigger then 15gb, enterprise you have to setup to split files larger then 50gb, and enterprise plus is 150gb single file limit. Depends what plan you are on. Our free trial is on the enterprise 50gb plan so rclone chunks any file bigger then 50gb. Even with chunker and encryption enabled I'm getting almost gigabit upload speeds. Alot of my other users are getting about half a gigabit upload ( 500mbps ).

Explorer | Level 4

Same problem.

After request they transfer this request to the tech team and they only give us 10TB of space.

They only said having tech problems and will soon solve it...

Helpful | Level 6

Today we started the week as it ended: "Dropbox engineers are aware of the problem and are working on a solution".

No info or other details regarding this issue and when it will solved. It is going on since 29th of June for us. We have our Dropbox full and we can't even sync a small file and the automated backup of our workstations failed this morning.

I'm currently thinking that this is not an issue but a new Dropbox policy. If this is the case than it would be very unfair to not tell the truth to customers.

I would like to mention that we're currently paying for "As much space as needed".

I think we owe an official explanation from Dropbox support on what's going on.

Helpful | Level 6

I believe that it is necessary to report "false advertising" as the problem has always been present since my arrival here. and here unlimited space does not seem to exist.

Helpful | Level 5

I am also currently encountering a situation where my storage capacity on Dropbox Business Advanced has reached its limit, leading to a notification indicating that my plan has scheduled changes that will result in a full storage status. Moreover, I have been notified by the support team that I have the option to request additional storage every 7 days to resolve this matter. In my opinion, it would be beneficial for Dropbox to provide clear and readily available documentation regarding any policy changes regarding upload limits. This would ensure that businesses migrating from other cloud providers can navigate the migration process smoothly without any unexpected challenges.

Helpful | Level 6

Today the support team finally told me that these issues are related to an unexpected growth of Dropbox Advanced users and they can provide 10Tb of space every 7 days. I wonder why they did not provide this information as soon as they knew it: for businesses it's crucial to know it. On their pricing/tier list this information is still not present and I think it's detrimental for any team or business that rely on cloud storage as backup.

While I can understand and I still can wait some days/weeks until everything will return to normal (it will? who knows), I'm very disappointed by the shadiness of this situation and how Dropbox handled this. Still no voice by the official team here, though.

Helpful | Level 6


I've begun the process of moving all my work (video production) from a local NAS to Dropbox Business Advanced on the promise of unlimited storage and better backups/versioning.


It automatically increased my storage as I went along, and I've got a little over half way through the process (39.9TB of around 75TB), but the disk is now marked as full. I've contacted support, who told me "Unfortunately, we cannot add more space at the moment. However, our engineers are aware of the problem and are working on a solution". No timeline, and a follow up query to clarify whether I have reached a maximum amount of available storage currently available to an account, or if there is a problem relating to adding storage to any account, has not been answered.


Is 40TB a hard limit? Have I made a terrible error buying a year upfront of storage that doesn't meet my needs?

Helpful | Level 7

This whole affair is getting even more strange. I really start to doubt these business-decisions they make.    

I made peace with the idea that i have to request every week 10 TB. I can do this even automated, no problem.
Now today Dropbox (Boris) answered me i will only get additional 10 TB capacity next week when i reach this capacity need.
Soooooo the solution for this is now to fill up random bytes on it, i suppose.

This is the effect of your policies. This is what you want?

I can do this. No problem. But i really don't want to. I like this service actually and i want it to succeed but you are basically forcing the people to do this.


You should fire the person who had these wonderful ideas. 


Edit: I want to emphasize that i am not a user who has 1000TB of stuff stored. I am still in the low two-digit-TB-area.

Helpful | Level 6

I’ve been dealing with this same issue for over a week now. I bought the service on July 3rd, and told sales that I was transferring 78TB, and was told that would be no issue.

The automated storage increases stopped working on July 11th at 38TB, so I reached out to support and Mia mentioned that “Dropbox engineers are aware of an issue currently with that option and are working on a solution.”

I’ve specifically asked for a timeline and they replied with “it is not possible to know the exact date.”

They have offered a free month of my subscription as well as a full refund, but I am just looking for answers.

UPDATE 7/22/23: I have requested to proceed with the full refund as offered and have instead went with’s Business Plus plan.


UPDATE 7/26/23: I had to call Dropbox support because the agent that was handling my issue via email (Mia) said they had escalated my issue instead of processing my request for a refund as offered. I believe they are overwhelmed and losing money with the amount of growth they've seen from the amount of gdrive migrations, hence the limiting policies set forth. It does not justify it, and it is wrong to do to customers. I will not be using Dropbox ever again and will actively deter anyone else from using them as well. I am glad that my time dealing with this shady company has now concluded.

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