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Storage Space

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Re: No additional space on Business Advanced

No additional space on Business Advanced

Helpful | Level 6

Dear community,

I'm here to advice that the support have been denying us additional space for two weeks, first telling us that there was a momentary problem, then that we had made a request before the 7 days, then again (after waiting 7 days) that there is a problem which however is not written by Nowhere.


We're really worried about that because they don't give us any timelines and the fact that the problem doesn't exist on the dropbox status page and that nobody else talks about it seems a bit suspicious.


I don't like writing these posts but we are really worried don't you think? Are any of you having similar problems? do they only have it with us?



615 Replies 615

Helpful | Level 6

Dear Dropbox Team,

I would like to express my deep disappointment with the new policy that limits my storage space on Dropbox. As a photographer, I have been a devoted user of your service specifically because of the unlimited storage space it offered. This feature allowed me to securely archive all of my job records while ensuring easy accessibility at any given time.

Furthermore, I rely on this ample storage capacity to efficiently collaborate with my team by sharing large image files, facilitating our dynamic workflow. Over the years, we have accumulated a substantial number of files on Dropbox, making it impractical to migrate everything elsewhere at this juncture.

In addition to being loyal Dropbox users, we recently upgraded to a Dropbox Business account, primarily due to the appeal of the unlimited storage plan. It's worth noting that the monthly cost of this subscription is already quite expensive for our team.

The recent adjustment in the storage limit while maintaining the same pricing structure has raised concerns. It appears to penalize dedicated users like us, who have not engaged in any unfair or inappropriate use of your system, as you have mentioned as the main reason for this policy change.

I urge you to consider a more equitable approach, where restrictions are applied selectively to those who misuse the service, rather than affecting the entire user base. This would be a fairer and more respectful way to address any issues while honoring the loyalty and trust of genuine, long-standing clients like myself.

I look forward to hearing your response and hope that we can find a solution that better aligns with the needs and expectations of your dedicated users.



Helpful | Level 6

The bottom line.  Dropbox lied.  My current renewal doesn't even expire until next year and yet they have effective Nov 1st, limited my account to 5TB per person on the Advanced plan.   They advertised  “as much storage as needed” and now completely reversed that... with no reduction in price.  

They have parlayed some sort of crypto abuse of their system (they are responsible to [police) into a dramatic reduction in service with no commensurate reduction in price.  This is bad business and reduces trust.  Not the Dropbox I started with many years ago.  Very unhappy.


Yes, I have reached out to support. They promised sales would contact me. No one ever did. I tried chat, and the representative quickly apologized that the "new" limitations affected me and closed the chat prematurely (in a matter of seconds after my last response because of "non-response".  VERY disingenuous. I was actively engaged in the conversation and he clearly blew me off.)

They are getting pushback on this and rightly so.... 

Helpful | Level 6


Helpful | Level 6

Yes, I received very disingenuous responses - and then a chat that was terminated (citing a lack of response on my end... though I was there, responding to every comment within seconds.)

Horribly unethical.

Helpful | Level 6

This is very similar to my experience... promise "as much as you need", then cavalierly say, oh only 5TB per user.  No price reduction.  They are truly an unethical company... 

Helpful | Level 7

@Eldon McGuinness  - What have you been migrating to?  We have QNAP NAS/DAS systems in our offices but for such a small company its hard for us to keep up with getting everything to always sync and DB has always just been a good solution for us for a number of reasons.  The ability to selectively sync to our local machines (media company here, 12k video files are really much easier to edit via DAS or our editing computer's hard drive) so we would sync the current project down, then sync it back up - and then could do the same to share between editors in different locations etc and occasionally with clients. 

Helpful | Level 6

Still trying to decide how to respond... hoping Dropbox will do the right thing if there is enough press.  It is a good fit for the same reasons - remote editing, upload sources, download remotely for work, then archive online until revisions are needed.  We eventually put older projects on hard drives locally and remove from Dropbox, but file sizes and project files are much larger than they used to be.  Very, very disappointing.

I will soon be evaluating local storage options. I imagine that we will ultimately find a solution that allows more control and customization than Dropbox anyway. And never suffer throttling again.  We'll have some time spend managing it, but Dropbox and its arrogance is history.  Hopefully the media gets into this and talks about their false advertising, bait-n-switch, unethical ... and possibly illegal behavior.  

Helpful | Level 5
I asked Support about the changes and how I am affected .

They are unable to give clear answers. They are referring to the blog post and in the next sentence they say the exact opposite..

I asked them multiple Times to give me clear answers as i have to plan how i proceed with my Business and at some point they just ignored me and havent replied to my Mails since.

This is just riddicolous .

Helpful | Level 6
They are respecting the information provided on the blog. For us over 5 TB for user we're going to expire in one year of grace period because after we need to pay other users for reach our quota and/or buy storage space. Local storage is the only way for us. Only docs, PC/phone backup are feasible on the new cloud provider trend.

Helpful | Level 6

I am so incredible disappointed in DB and this is likely the beginning of the end. So many advanced users being FORCED to bail with two weeks notice? Totally unfair as our account is totally locked down because we don't have enough space.


I even had a phone convo with DB support and they ENSURED me we on Nov 1st our account would reflect what was actually being used. But no, that is not the case. I am only allowed 55TB on an "unlimited" plan. 


NAS here we come. Excited to #dropthebox and start fresh with local data storage.

Need more support?