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Re: Dropbox Advanced, recent limitation to add more storage!!

No additional space on Business Advanced

Helpful | Level 6

Dear community,

I'm here to advice that the support have been denying us additional space for two weeks, first telling us that there was a momentary problem, then that we had made a request before the 7 days, then again (after waiting 7 days) that there is a problem which however is not written by Nowhere.


We're really worried about that because they don't give us any timelines and the fact that the problem doesn't exist on the dropbox status page and that nobody else talks about it seems a bit suspicious.


I don't like writing these posts but we are really worried don't you think? Are any of you having similar problems? do they only have it with us?



615 Replies 615

Collaborator | Level 10
What? The enterprise plan is still *as much space as needed*, they won't stop giving out storage upgrades, it's part of the plan. You just have to wait 90 days in between requests.

Experienced | Level 12
Dropbox was also unlimited, when everyone will come back to Google, and they will have storage PB again, Google will lock again, it's a vicious circle

Collaborator | Level 10

It would take years to get up to the PB storage, where as before, it was as much as you could store, per the 750gb upload limit per day. But still, I have had 3 phone conversations with support and every single one of them has told me there is no amount of total storage that is not allowed. You just have to do it every 90 days now.

Helpful | Level 6

Don’t trust anything support tell you (Google or Dropbox ). Remember Dropbox promised until 2/3 weeks ago that “ofc it’s as much storage as needed! Come over!”

Anything first line support tell you it’s being read from a book and it can change at a moments notice.

Dropbox, well done on losing the custom of thousands of users because you couldn’t be bothered to have any safeguards in place to prevent abuse but more than that, to lie barefacedly to your customers about the “as much storage as needed”.

Lesson learned from my end.

Experienced | Level 12

@M3th0s Exactly, phone calls don't mean anything, it's enough overnight that they receive a new directive and it's over.

Experienced | Level 12
Hello everyone, for information I also asked for a refund of my dropbox. Good luck to all!

Helpful | Level 6

I wish this was some sort of joke but apparently Dropbox is sunsetting the "unlimited" Advanced plan and forcing existing users to adapt or eventually pay more for extended storage. 


To say we are disappointed would be an understatement. We rely heavily on this "as much as space as you need" plan and pay quite a bit of money for it. And now, that all goes away on Nov 1st, that is unless we want to pay more of course.


Our company is one of those in which we use more than 35TB which means we will be forced to find alternative solutions. We always spoke highly of Dropbox and their ability to stay true to their word. I understand doing this for new accounts but existing accounts should at least maintain their current available space.


Explorer | Level 4
Hello, you keep saying “Active licenses” or “Active users”. I am a one person company, I have only activated one user out of three. Will I not even get 15 tb? What do you mean ”active”, will you remove my data if I don’t log in often enough? I hope you realise that with the changes Dropbox Advanced is extremely expensive and if I inly get 5 tb for only having 1 active user then why would I use advanced at all?

Collaborator | Level 9

@ehcropydoc  More than 35TB per user? Dropbox has been careful to keep making that distinction. Not that it makes it helps much, but affects how you are affected. 

New member | Level 2
I'm with Dropbox almost 10 years and since them my data base has grown with the video editing that I do.
Now you decided to reduce my unlimited storage to 15tb but maintaining the price.
This is not correct and makes me rethink my storage back-up options.

You will lose me.
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