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Storage Space

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Re: Dropbox Advanced

No additional space on Business Advanced

Helpful | Level 6

Dear community,

I'm here to advice that the support have been denying us additional space for two weeks, first telling us that there was a momentary problem, then that we had made a request before the 7 days, then again (after waiting 7 days) that there is a problem which however is not written by Nowhere.


We're really worried about that because they don't give us any timelines and the fact that the problem doesn't exist on the dropbox status page and that nobody else talks about it seems a bit suspicious.


I don't like writing these posts but we are really worried don't you think? Are any of you having similar problems? do they only have it with us?



615 Replies 615

Explorer | Level 4

I have to say while i sort of understand that dropbox has had an influx of high useage clients changing the terms is very unfair in some cases

Now i use alot of space about 500TB for client backups ect i was on google until they changed the terms and i moved 

I do not have media etc on there it is all clients backups encrypted 

When i came to dropbox before signing up i contacted support and was Very clear with them i told them i had about 500TB on google and would move it to dropbox and was this allowed or would it cause issues i was told No it is fine to do this 


We have fully moved here a while back now and use about 450 to 500 it changes as new backups are made and old ones deleted 

i have 5 users on my account at this time so now the limit for me will be 35 x 5 it seems very wrong knowing i clearly asked support before moving here and was very clear on how much data i had to move.

Collaborator | Level 10


35 x 5? 🤔 Not 5 x 5?

Experienced | Level 12
Why 35x5 and 5x5? What are you talking about, storage?

Community Manager

@Niitr0  @Helpusersplease  You can still request additional storage until you move to the new plan, at which point you can purchase storage add-ons. At that time, you will be able to purchase pooled storage up to the account limit of 1000TB (or 1 PB) at $10/month billed monthly or $8/month billed annually.


@haldb  You will keep your current storage quota regardless of whether you are above or below 35TB per license, up to an account maximum of 1000TB. If you are above 35 TB per license, you’ll be contacted by our team in the coming weeks to discuss a range of options for getting the storage that you need for your business or organization.

Helpful | Level 6
@BenDBX can you explicates this "If you are above 35 TB per license, you’ll be contacted by our team in the coming weeks to discuss a range of options for getting the storage that you need for your business or organization."

Do you mean that we can't remain with our current storage quota?

Collaborator | Level 10
As I understand it, for the transitional period. From 09.2023 write the Support with you, when you more than 35 TB Storage per license.
But that takes time to write to everyone. As long until then there will be no restrictions.

Experienced | Level 12



For example: in December I take 5 tb, so my subscription comes back to 77€ + 5x10, in January, I don't take additional dtockage, my subscription comes back to me to 77€? That's right

Community Manager

Hi @ggtello,



I'll refer to the blog post to clarify:


For the less than 1% of customers utilizing 35TB or more of storage per license, we’re committed to working with you. To make this transition easier, you’ll be able to continue utilizing your current storage amount at the time you’re notified, plus an additional 5TB credit of pooled storage for one year (up to 1,000TB total), at no additional charge to your existing plan. You’ll be contacted by our team in the coming weeks to discuss a range of options for getting the storage that you need for your business or organization.


This means that customers utilizing 35 TB or more per license will be able to keep their current storage plus 5 TB of pooled data for up to a year upon migration to the new storage policy. A Dropbox team member will then reach out to discuss long-term storage options.

Eldon McGuinness
Collaborator | Level 9

@Benp and @DBXCommunity, at a risk of sounding like a broken record here. I think the major hang-up is what will happen to people's data after the 1 year or 5 years. What will be the worst-case scenario if a team/company does not want to pay more for the storage they already have?


Let me put two examples out there, which seem to have been mentioned here on this thread:


  1. A company has 3 licenses and is using more than 5TB of storage per license, but less than 35TB per license, for the sake this post, let us say they are using a total of 60TB (20TB/license). From what the blog is saying, or at least my understanding, they will have 5 years of service at their current storage allotment plus an additional 5TB (for a total of 65TB) and priced at (90$USD/month). Now the big question is what happens after 5 years, in this situation the de facto new billing, it seems, would be 30$USD/month/per license, for a total of 90$USD/month, which would get the account 15TB of storage plus another 50TB of add-on storage for 500$USD/month (50TB x 10$USD). This would mean that company, in five years, would be paying 590$USD/month for the same 65TB of storage, correct?

  2. A company has 3 licenses and is using more than 35TB of storage per license, for the sake of this post, let us say they are using a total of 300TB (100TB/license). From what the blog is saying, or at least my understanding, they will have 1 year of service at their current storage allotment plus an additional 5TB (for a total of 305TB) and priced at (90$USD/month). Now the big question is what happens after 1 year, in this situation the de facto new billing, it seems, would be 30$USD/month/per license, for a total of 90$USD/month, which would get the account 15TB of usage plus another 290TB of add-on storage for 2,900$USD/month. This would mean that company, in one year, would be paying 2,990$USD/month for the same 305TB of storage, correct?

In either of the above cases, what happens if a team/company does not want to pay more than the amount they initially signed up for? If both of the companies above do not want to pay more, will they lose access to their data? Will, they retain access to the data allotment they have, but no longer be eligible for storage increases? I understand that the answer being quoted is "we will work with you", but we need to know sooner, rather than later, what that means, especially the worst-case scenarios of maximum cost and refusal to pay more.


These are the kinds of answers business managers and consultants need to give answers to our higher-ups which are not happy with a hands-off, wait-and-see approach that Dropbox is having at the moment. Again, we all understand that you can only give the information you have, but I think we can assume this has been coming down the pipeline for at least two months, so there is no reason not to have a better answer at this time. For those of us that are using the storage legitimately, not for crypto or chia mining (whatever this is?), this is a huge shock. I can tell you that a company I am working with just spent a fair bit of money on egress traffic to have a lot of data uploaded to Dropbox only to now see this change and have their promised data storage solution upended.

Helpful | Level 7

I came to the conclusion that they simply don‘t know what they are doing.

Mediocre management at best, nicely put.


I cannot believe that they want 10$/month per TB.

This must be again a miscommunication. Or this is a joke or something.

A one-time-payment of 10$ to get _permanent_ additional 1TB would be sane imo.

There is 1 Petabyte-Storage-Modules sold in professional environment right now.

They are as big as two 3,5‘‘ Harddisks. We have 2023.

1 TB isn‘t worth 10$ per month.


Whoever calculated this, does not know what he is doing, mildly put.

We are offered regularly (used) 8TB-Disks for 30$ each. ONE-TIME-Payment.

Generally making such a fuzz about couple TB as one of the biggest Storageproviders in the world is just silly.

Your stock is plummeting massively since your blog post.

Of course one has to stop CHIA-Farmers, but come on, because some guys abused this service you are burning it down completely?

How about a neat, simple technical solution as people expected in the beginning of this affair?


You are the worldexperts of cloudstorage, no?

Also i am subscribed to this service for a while now and i get punished for the fact that i was thrifty with space consumption.

I will pay 80$ for 50 TB basically. While others pay the same for 500 TB. Or even 1000 TB.

How is this fair? This service in this state is now unusable for us and i don’t think it will be profitable in that way.


I made some calculations yesterday. It is now way cheaper to rent colocation and put our own disks to use now for us. Your storage became suddenly ‚Premium Premium‘. And i am sure that we as little company cannot get our hands at volumes of cheaper disks than you.

I‘ll keep this dissatisfactory contract up until we moved all stuff away from your servers but your reputation among professionals, one of your biggest assets as such a company i would say, went down the drain from my point of view.  


Your old business model was very good and innovative and priced fairly, now it's not worth to mention anymore...



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