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Storage Space

Looking for help with managing the storage space in your Dropbox account? Talk to the Dropbox Community and get advice from members.

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Re: Dropbox Advanced

No additional space on Business Advanced

Helpful | Level 6

Dear community,

I'm here to advice that the support have been denying us additional space for two weeks, first telling us that there was a momentary problem, then that we had made a request before the 7 days, then again (after waiting 7 days) that there is a problem which however is not written by Nowhere.


We're really worried about that because they don't give us any timelines and the fact that the problem doesn't exist on the dropbox status page and that nobody else talks about it seems a bit suspicious.


I don't like writing these posts but we are really worried don't you think? Are any of you having similar problems? do they only have it with us?



615 Replies 615

Helpful | Level 5
Chatted with an agent over the phone and they danced around the new policy of 1TB and kept saying “I can add 1TB right now and contact us again when you run out” I had to ask several times of 1TB per month was a new policy and they finally admitted it was. When I pressed on why this was never communicated and why the advertising hasn’t changed, he jumped straight to “we will give you a full refund”. No info, just offered a refund. They know what’s up and it’s scummy. But at least they’re offering a refund.

Experienced | Level 12
Reimbursement is ease, it allows them to win against the customer...

Helpful | Level 6

i really dont mean to side at all remotely in favor of dropbox here as i have also been affected by the storage lockdown out of the blue with zero notice or communication - but following this thread for awhile it seems that there are probably a small % of accounts that are using dropbox as a backup or mass cheap cloud storage and not using it as a platform with its many collaborative features etc. people mentioning PB of space etc - potentially seems that a few are ruining it for the many. that being said dropbox should have defined clear outlines for its "unlimited" storage and should be handling this better.


rclone integrates with many other services which are very inexpensive. azure archive tier for example

Helpful | Level 5
They could 1000% be handling this better. Go after the few accounts uploading PBs. Don’t continue to advertise “as much space as you need” when you’re only going to give 1TB per month. Communicate to your users about policy changes. Don’t dance around the truth in support calls. I’m taking my refund and advising everyone I know in my industry to take their business elsewhere.

Helpful | Level 6
In a way I can agree with you, however I only need some things like file sharing to and from a customer and space.
I knew this going in and still only need this.
I don’t think this should be used as backup, there is better places out there for that and cheaper. But when you have big files of video this is the best option.

Experienced | Level 12
Ruin the storage? It's just that some people need more or less storage. Conversely, what dropbox should have done was to prohibit obtaining 1PB directly in 1 time following the closure of Google..., it was the real problem

Eldon McGuinness
Collaborator | Level 9

I just want to clarify here that Dropbox, by their own advertisements and statements, is a backup and storage platform. All the other features are secondary, even the collaboration is secondary. After all, what would one collaborate on if the backup and storage side of Dropbox were to go away? Let's not deviate from the fact that Dropbox's core product is indeed storage and smooth access to important files. For example, this is a snippet from their home page:
db snip.png
It is hard to argue that the platform is not for storage or backup when Dropbox is saying it is in the text highlighted by the red arrow on the left. Furthermore, if the complaint is some people are taking up too much space, I would direct you to read the section highlighted by a red arrow on the right where one can share files up to 2TB in size. How quickly could you fill up 1PB when you are sharing 2TB files?

As a collective group, let us stop pointing fingers at each other and trying to blame a specific user set, instead, let us redirect our attention and efforts to Dropbox who is not living up to their side of the agreement that they made with each and every paying customer. As mentioned by me previously many people and legitimate businesses are being affected by this issue, myself and those I consult with included, and we need to make sure this string of conversation does not devolve into a mass of misinformation and trolling.

Experienced | Level 12
I agree with you, only the fact that drobpox has reviewed its unlimited offer, it is simply because they are recovering the Google cloud groups that allowed themselves to store tons of content. All is indicated in various sources of REDDIT. A few months ago if you ask for 1 pb a dropbox have give it to you eyes closed.

Eldon McGuinness
Collaborator | Level 9

@Niitr0, As an IT professional, I do not believe the excuse that they did not know what was happening before it was too late. None of the companies I work with would offer a service they could not support or accommodate.


For example, one of the companies I manage asked up front for 800TB, they wanted to create an off-site backup of their local server data and databases. Dropbox had no problem telling them they could get the 800TB and even told me over the phone and chat lines that it would be given once the account was paid for; this by the way has been the normal for the other companies I have helped with implementing Dropbox in their workflows. However, in this case, they are stuck at around 420TB and being told they can only get 1TB a month. Now, a simple calculation will tell you this will mean they will need to wait 38 months to get the data needed to complete their offsite backup, clearly not what was sold. We need to make sure Dropbox knows that this is unacceptable to promise one thing and give another.


Unfortunately, this thread seems to devolve into a finger pointing game at various groups; IE plex users, backup users, storage only users, etc. In fact, we all need to be collectively pointing the finger at Dropbox and letting them know we see them and that this is not acceptable. We need to make sure we stay focused and have people simply comment that this is affecting them and how it is going to cost Dropbox their business. This is the only thing that is going to make Dropbox move. Pointing fingers serves no purpose other than angering and dividing a community needlessly.

Experienced | Level 12
This is exactly what is done on the discussion thread, I just give you the reason that was given by "members of the dropbox staff" at REDDIT
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