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My account keeps saying it's full - but it isn't

My account keeps saying it's full - but it isn't

New member | Level 2

Hi - I have a 6.3 GB basic account with less that 1.2 GB of data in it, but I keep getting notifications saying the account is full, and it isn't syncing. I've double checked my folders and cleaned out all deleted items, but it makes no difference. I have been unable to contact any sort of support through the website, so am hoping someone might know how to fix this. Thanks.

364 Replies 364

Explorer | Level 3

Dear Google, dear Dropbox-admins, dear Nancy. 
I have the same problem. Since some time Dropbox stopped synchronisation, ande is telling me memory is full, need to upgrade for more than 2GB. But there is 1 file only, less than 1 MB. No other sharings/folders etc. It´s very strange. But I need dropbox for this one shared file that I use on many other devices. If dropbox cannot solve that I will go with anouther cloud. That´s horrible.




Super User II

Shared folders use up everybody's Dropbox - so if it was in your account it used your data. 


You need to delete the files from AND / OR leave the Shares from


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Super User II

Hi Arne


Have you looked at the backup page as has already been suggested?


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Explorer | Level 3

Hello and good day. Thank you for the link. I never found that myself. Yes, there was an anonymous external disc shown. What the hell, I never made a backup of such external disc, neither my external memories are at the computer. I deleted that entry - and  yippie yeah - dropbox is running. strange...... but result postive. Thank you for this hint !

Explorer | Level 3

Thanks Nancy.  Here are the 2 screenshots you requested.


Screen Shot 2023-11-11 at 12.43.34 PM.png


Screen Shot 2023-11-11 at 12.47.06 PM.png


Dropbox Staff

Hi @Adnil, thanks for the screenshots! 


It seems your account is using way more space, past its allocated quota. 


You'd essentially need to bring that 18.9GB below 6.24GB. You mentioned you already tried to free-up space using your app, but have you also tried erasing content online first? 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4

Dear Frot: it happened to me. These are the indications to solve your problem. They are in Spanish and I don't have time now to help you with the translation, but I will have some time. If you don't manage to solve your problem, write to me at [removed]* and we'll take it from there. 


En CHROME abrir una pestaña
Del listado de la izquierda el último es "Archivos eliminados"
Aparecen todos los que eliminé
Marcar el primero, Shift y el último
A la derecha aparece "eliminar permanentemente"
Debería haber reducido los Gb usados


*[personal information removed per the Community's Guidelines]

Explorer | Level 4

Got cut off: sorry about that. Here's the second part:

Allí aparece un directorio MUY PESADO llamado "DROPBOX BACKUP" arriba a la izquierda
en el que Dropbox acumula todo, TODO, y que no sirve para nada si es que uno hace
su propio backup de la nube periódicamente. Lo hacen para que uno se desespere y
termine comprando Gb que sí se pagan y mucho.

Good luck! Etienne van Dam

Explorer | Level 3

Thank you Megan!  It seems we are making progress on this. I deleted all folders online, and now it shows no GB used.  But, I still have the desktop app that shows no storage available.  See screenshot.  And there is still a listing of waiting files to sync [which I set to not sync, indefinitely].  Also, I see the folders, etc. that I deleted from Dropbox are listed in 'deleted' and can be restored for 30 days.  Is there a way to totally delete these files/folders also? So I start with a totally clean slate? You have been very helpful Megan. I hope you can continue to help me with the desktop app and the deleted files!


Screen Shot 2023-11-13 at 9.35.35 AM.png


Dropbox Staff

Hey @Adnil - sorry to jump in here, but I was wondering, have you quit and relaunched the app since you deleted those files from the website?


You might need to resume syncing as well, for the app to sync your changes.


As for permanently deleting your files, you can take a look here.


I hope this helps! 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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