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Re: Extended storage limit being rejected when trying to join a folder

Incorrect out of space error message about available space when I try to add content to my account.

Explorer | Level 4

I've recently started getting a "You're out of storage.  To copy this content you need more storage space." message when I try to save files from a browser (either Chrome or FF) directly to my Dropbox.  I've got the free 2gig account and all indicators (both through Windows explorer and my account on Dropbox) - show that I'm only taking up 378.7 meg of storage.  I just double-checked my backups and I have none (neither visible nor hidden/deleted).


I can still save the file 467k .pdf locally and then upload it to my Db through explorer without issue, so I can confirm that I truly do have enough room.


Any thoughts?

52 Replies 52

Explorer | Level 3

Not sure if this is a new Dropbox bug or if their marketing team selling storage upgrades is getting super aggressive ... or both.


My Basic account has a 4.25Gb storage limit due to extensions over the original 2Gb allotted due to recruiting fellow Dropbox users. Of that, I am currently using 3.42Gb -- so I should have over 750Mb available.


Yet when I get a link to join a Dropbox share that consists of a mere 4Mb of files, Dropbox throws an error in my face saying I can't do that because I don't have enough space. My only option is to click towards upgrade my space, and for my account it shows a big red bar saying I'm using 3.42Gb out of 2Gb allotted.


What gives, Dropbox? Are you enforcing double standards on my account?

Super User II

If you are getting that message the folder does not have just 4mb in it. 


What does show you as to how much space you have?


Does the error screen show how much more space you need? 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Explorer | Level 3

It says 3.4Gb of 4.25, as I said. I took a screenshot below.


Just FYI, I'm not a Dropbox newb either. I've used this account for over 15 years, including previous shares. I downloaded the shared join link request and the files were 4Mb.


This is completely new brain dead behavior I've first observed from Dropbox for the first time in over 15 years.



Dropbox Staff

Welcome to the Community, @swag! I hope you’re doing well. 


To check this further, can you please send me a screenshot of the error message you keep receiving, as well as one more showing the actual size of the folder you’re trying to join? 


Let me know when you’re ready.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

Here's the boatload of screens:


The join page I received


The error message I get when I try to click Join


The page I get when I click Add Storage, showing me maxed out at 2Gb


And a screen shot of my downloads folder showing file sizes when I click Download instead of Join for the folder: it's just 4Mb.2023-07-18_14-59-25.png2023-07-18_14-59-55.png2023-07-18_15-00-29.png2023-07-18_15-02-23.png

Dropbox Staff

Hey @MikeMcGVO! Hope you don't mind me jump in here. 


One more clarification; does the folder you're trying to save to your Dropbox account only contain one file within? 


Can you please download this folder instead to your local device and let me know what's the exact size it shows? That'll help us isolate the issue more. 



Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Dropbox Staff

Thanks for these screenshots, @swag


To check the exact available space on your Dropbox account, it's better to always consult your Plan page, like Mark suggested above.


As per the downloaded folder, can you please unzip it on your computer, and let me know what's the size it shows now?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4



Thanks for getting back to me on this!  I'm not sure I know how to download the folder itself, so I just clicked the 'Download' button that's 2 buttons to the right of 'Join Folder'.


I ended up doing it twice with two differing folders, simply because things worked correctly the first time... (wouldn't you know it... :))


For the one that worked, the folder contained 2 pdf's - one 30k in size and the other 38k.

For the one that failed and generated the same error message that started this thread, it was again 2 pdf's.  But this time, they were 185k and 263k...


So somewhere between 68k and 448k is the magic breakpoint.


Hopefully this helps some, but let me know if not and we'll go from there.



Explorer | Level 3

This is the Plan Page, right? (attached below)


But if you're going to ask me to open a 4Mb zip file on the chance that it somehow expands to over 885Mb, I honestly have to start wondering if you're just trolling me now. If you're trying to discourage me by sending me off to do busywork to pursue nonsensical scenarios, please let me know and I will stop wasting everyone's time. But the expanded zip file is just three folders and 7 pdf files with a combined size of 4Mb (almost no compression) as shown in the Info view of the top folder at bottom.





Explorer | Level 3


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